NASA expects global COOLING trend

Via TownHall Finance-

“The 2016-18 Big Chill was composed of two Little Chills, the biggest five month drop ever (February to June 2016) and the fourth biggest (February to June 2017). A similar event from February to June 2018 would bring global average temperatures below the 1980s average. February 2018 was colder than February 1998. If someone is tempted to argue that the reason for recent record cooling periods is that global temperatures are getting more volatile, it’s not true. The volatility of monthly global average temperatures since 2000 is only two-thirds what it was from 1880 to 1999.

None of this argues against global warming. The 1950s was the last decade cooler than the previous decade, the next five decades were all warmer on average than the decade before. Two year cooling cycles, even if they set records, are statistical noise compared to the long-term trend.

My point is that statistical cooling outliers garner no media attention. The global average temperature numbers come out monthly. If they show a new hottest year on record, that’s a big story. If they show a big increase over the previous month, or the same month in the previous year, that’s a story. If they represent a sequence of warming months or years, that’s a story. When they show cooling of any sort—and there have been more cooling months than warming months since anthropogenic warming began—there’s no story.”

In other words,according to the AGW faithful-the news isn’t what it is,IT’S WHAT WE SAY IT IS.

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8 Responses to NASA expects global COOLING trend

  1. KG says:

    “The volatility of monthly global average temperatures since 2000 is only two-thirds what it was from 1880 to 1999.”
    Perhaps all that extra co2 acts as buffer or moderator, eh? :mrgreen:
    Burn more trash!

  2. Darn. I was looking forward to warmer weather.
    Are we still going to die in 12 years? :)

  3. Dan says:

    Just like gender I what THEY tell us it is rather than what genes determine.
    Just like there is NO DIFFERENCE between the average IQ of blacks vs whites…..
    even though every study for a century says there is.
    And the weather is only weather if it’s convenient for the global warming hoaxers.
    Science is no longer the arbiter of truth. The commie left and their media whore accomplices decide what truth is based on their feelings and agenda….to hell with the facts.