Just when does “Personhood” begin?

Consider the following article that appeared on Slate.com back in 2012-


-“After-birth abortion”

[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child. Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk.”

In ALL the circumstances?Since most abortions are carried out strictly in terms of convienience,wouldn’t ALL cirumstances mean just the same?In other words any damn time the mother uterus sees fit and for any reason?

-“Personhood doesn’t begin until sometime after birth. Once that premise is added, the newborn, like the fetus, becomes fair game. ”

Sometime?When exactly?6 months?A year?How about 18?Or is it really anytime,throughout a person’s life that someone in authority deems them a “non-person”?

The trouble with the left isn’t just that they have horrible beliefs,it’s that they advance and force those beliefs on everyone else by constantly moving the goal posts.

Consider that what was once an abominable practice developed by Josef Mengele for use on “non-persons”according to the third reich.Then became a “thought process” in universities,until 72′ when it bacame the law of the land thanks to Roe-v-Wade.

Now consider this article was written in 2012 as a “thought process” and today in 2019 we have a version of it making it into a bill before a state legislature……let that sink in.

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23 Responses to Just when does “Personhood” begin?

  1. KG says:

    State-sanctioned murder was always inevitable under the leftists. It always has been the inescapable end point of their ideology.
    They can’t be persuaded, reasoned with or stopped by any means short of lethal opposition.

    Anybody who thinks otherwise is a foolish optimist or simply a moral coward.

  2. MikeH. says:

    I would have thought that millions of conservatives would be heating up the tar and plucking the chickens by now. Guess I figured that shit all wrong.

    I had assumed the libtards would have gone after the chronically ill and the elderly long before a move as ballsy as a war against babies. I think it’s pretty obvious now that there won’t be a fight when they do convene death panels for the sick and the old. Probably won’t be much resistance when they start the ideological cleansing either.

  3. pigpen51 says:

    If I recall correctly, Margaret Sanger was in favor of abortions as a part of her eugenics goal of getting rid of the black race of the nation. That she started with the unborn was not a problem, since she located many to most of the planed parenthood murder centers in the inner cities, where the black populations were the highest.
    So the killing of the opponents of the ” correct” kind of people, can be accomplished quite easily, and the actual birth of the baby is not really an inconvenience at all. Simply give the birth mother a hefty dose of pain medicine, to help aleve her pain, you know, and to make her more open to suggestion, and have her sign a form, allowing for the extra late term abortion of her undesirable baby, and your good to go.
    If she complains later, why, it is just buyers remorse, she was perfectly lucid when she signed the form.
    That is why if is so important to overturn Roe v Wade with a case that will force the Supreme Court to decide just exactly when life actually begins. If they decide based upon science that it begins at conception, then the baby has protections afforded by the constitution, and an advocate can be appointed for it, to look after the babies interests.I suspect that will cause a major uproar, but it is a very real and needed thing to do in a civilized society that treats all citizens fairly and with dignity.
    By the way, saying you are against abortion, but pro choice, means you are in favor of abortion. You are either pro life all the way, or you are not.

    • Darin says:

      Beautiful! Everything in the Universe says life shouldn’t exist,but yet not only does it exist,it flourishes in endless forms.

      • KG says:

        It’s a magnificent mystery, one which constantly blows my mind.
        No “practical” explanation can possibly do it justice.

        • mawm says:

          Ion pumps in the cell and mitochondrial walls maintaining a potential difference across both?http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif Certainly life ends when they stop functioning and the integrity of the cell wall can no longer be maintained.

          • KG says:

            Which is interesting, but I have a feeling that kind of information is missing the central mystery at the heart of things.
            Just my ignorant 2c worth.
            ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’

  4. Dan says:

    When does “personhood” start? To a leftist it varies….if you oppose their agenda as far as they are concerned you will NEVER be a “person”. Therefore anything they choose to do to you would be legal (I’d say “and moral” but the left has NO MORALITY)……so as far as they are concerned killing an infant and killing one of us is not murder…. it’s just solving a problem. You can call it anything you like but they are communists…..and just like Islam it’s a creed totally incompatible with civilized free society’s. Either WE KILL THEM or they will kill us. There is no coexistence with them.