Open House 2/28/19

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72 Responses to Open House 2/28/19

    • KG says:

      Assholes. Why anybody uses that platform is a mystery. :evil:
      Cultural genocide, succeeding apace:
      ‘UK Migrant Boom: EU Migration Falls, But Non-EU Migration at 15-year High

  1. KG says:

    HAHAHAHAHA! NZ’s well-trained armed police. Yet again. :mrgreen:
    ‘Stray police bullets hit Christchurch community house’

    • Darin says:

      Reminds me of the shootout between the Kehoe brothers and the Ohio state patrol.
      2 shootouts,the first was 28 rounds at point blank range,the second was 30 rounds,also at point blank range……bystander was hit in the shoulder…that’s it :lol:

      • Yokel says:

        Good job the policeman at Garland Texas protecting the Draw Mohammed contest (with Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Bosch Fawstin and Geert Wilders) a year or two ago was a better shot. If I remember the report correctly, from a full 30 round magazine in his handgun he only had two bullets not hit their intended target.

  2. Darin says:

    Circular Saw Kickback Killer-Smarter Everyday-

    Which logically leads to…The Rocket Saw

    File under-Boys will be Boys

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Only described recently. Translation: We didn’t look that close at all the sunfish specimens in collections and the ‘new’ species may be far more widespread than we originally estimated. (I did marine fisheries research for over 30 years, trust me on this one

      • Darin says:

        I just thought it funny they made such a claim.I remember seeing them,and a very large one even,out in the GOM.It’s something you don’t forget,seeing a fish that big that looks like it was designed by a committee :mrgreen:

  3. Darin says:

    John Moreland-“Hang Me in the Tulsa County Stars”

    About as good as Country/Folk music can get

  4. Pascal says:

    When the Soviet-Style Media is exposed as liars, hypocrites, racists and homophobes they conspire with whatever leverage they retain to censor those whom exposed them.

    Hat tip GoV

    There is no way that establishment media’s once vaunted trusted reputation can recover, hence we should refer to it here on in as “Humpty Dumpty Media” (© Pascal Fervor of course :) )

  5. Darin says:

    California’s “high speed” rail debacle,or rather theft-

  6. Darin says:

    4,566,300,000 year old ring-

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    An eye opener from the #WalkAway crowd.

  8. KG says:

    What Would a Hybrid Civil War Look Like?
    by Richard Fernandez

    We’re already there, but the real fightback hasn’t yet begun……

  9. Michael in Nelson says:
  10. KG says:

    Socialist NZ.
    From an article about how PayPal’s Peter Thiel bought NZ citizenship:
    ‘..a closer examination of the National Party’s platform would likely see them placed on the left wing of the Democratic Party’

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      A hit piece based on his wealth, desire for privacy and past support for Libertarians and Republicans. The language is strongly tilted to make him and his motives look bad. I don’t have a stake in the game and am neutral about Thiel’s NZ citizenship. I know I would start distancing myself if faced with the kind of hostility being drummed up by the Herald.

      • KG says:

        I am not neutral about anything that smells of a two-tier legal system, of special rules (or rules being broken, bent or ignored) for anybody.
        To tolerate or excuse that is to invite tyranny. Which makes those that do so part of the problem.

        • Darin says:

          He’s a man that can afford to live comfortably and play by his own rules anywhere in the world.
          So,the questions we must ask are,why New Zealand and why now?
          The answer usually revolves around power and or corruption.If his being an NZ citizen is such a great thing,then why the hush?
          I personally am not a fan,Paypal under his direction was the first to block using thier service for gun and ammo sales.

  11. KG says:

    Arrogant and deluded, much? :shock:
    ‘Obama: Hope Possible by Training a ‘Million Baracks and Michelles’

    • Darin says:

      Great read,and I am sure all the major media outlets will be doing reports on these findings any day now

  12. Pascal says:

    U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked

    Trumped by Common Sense Predicts Disaster if The U.N. Not Checked!

  13. Pascal says:

    Meanwhile, from the state formally known as Oregon, but apparently run as California Extension North by former bay area Stalinists, we have this: :mad:

    • Darin says:

      Antifa never pulls anything in any conservative run city,because if they do their skulls will get thumped by the cops.They always fester in cities like Potland because the local LEO and mayors are liberal vermin.

  14. KG says:

    YEGODS!! :shock:
    This bastard is plumb insane:
    ‘Mark Taylor the ‘Kiwi jihadi’ feels ‘stabbed in the back’ by NZ’–report

  15. Darin says:

    Black robed tyrants traitors

    Long drop on a short rope for those bastards,is the only thing that will fix this.

  16. KG says:

    The fix is in:
    ‘Labour MPs vote against allowing China expert Anne-Marie Brady to speak at justice select committee’

    This socialist rabble’s masters in Beijing will be pleased. :evil:

    • Darin says:

      Just ask your politicians how many Reminbi to a Dollar,if they know the answer,tar and feather them.

  17. KG says:

    From Huntington’s, ‘The Clash of Civilizations’:

    Civilizations decline when they stop the ‘application of surplus to new ways of doing things. In modern terms we say that the rate of investment decreases’. This happens because the social groups controlling the surplus have a vested interest in using it for ‘non-productive, but ego-satisfying purposes … which distribute the surpluses to consumption but do not provide more effective methods of production’. People live off their accumulated capital and civilization moves from the stage of the universal state to the stage of decay. This is a period of acute economic depression, declining standards of living, civil wars between various vested interests, and growing illiteracy. The society grows weaker and weaker. Vain efforts are made to stop the wastage by legislation. But the decline continues. The religious, intellectual, social, and political levels of the society began to lose the allegiance of the masses of people on a large scale. …  There is a growing reluctance to fight for the society or even support it by paying taxes.

    (bold mine)

    • Darin says:

      True,imagine where we might have gone by now if we had spent $17trillion on Nasa?Or the same amount towards nuclear fusion insead of social programs that did nothing but make things worse?

      • Pascal says:

        No way that the Sustainability true believers would allow funding of nuclear fusion. The very idea of unlimited resources including unlimited energy would scuttle the notion that we’re overpopulating beyond our capacity.

        Highly positioned haters of humanity will never permit it.

  18. Darin says:

    Florida Flywheelers Antique Engine Show-

  19. KG says:

    NZ Herald, still looking for bottom. (via the Washpost, naturally)
    ‘High time’ to take Fox News’s destructive role in US seriously
    A magazine piece and a debate decision rightly depict network as propaganda.

    Simply jaw-dropping hypocrisy, coming as it does from one of NZ’s notorious propaganda outlets. :shock:
    There are NO conservative – or even neutral and objective – media outlets in NZ! Television stations are as bad as the print media.

  20. Michael in Nelson says:

    A note about the magnificent wind generation in New Zealand. Remember folks, the current Government wants to increase this wonderful green energy.

  21. Pascal says:

    Ed clued me into this. Just wow!