
Did anyone think they would vote any other way?

The Daily Caller-

“President Donald Trump reacted on Twitter Monday evening after the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would have ensured that babies who survive abortions are given medical attention, failed to pass the Senate.

“Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children. The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies AFTER birth,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “This will be remembered as one of the most shocking votes in the history of Congress. If there is one thing we should all agree on, it’s protecting the lives of innocent babies.”

Oh,and not to be left out,there were several republicans who didn’t vote,which is no less an endorsement of evil. :evil:

O rid us of this evil, Lord
And turn our hearts by cross or sword
Our nation cannot long afford
To live beneath Your anger

A curse, a curse upon their heads
O save them Lord or slay them dead
And fill our country with your Dread
And turn away Your anger.

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19 Responses to Predictable

  1. Michael in Nelson says:


    Similar to a prayer I have been saying for some time now.

  2. MikeH. says:

    One would think the villagers would be gathering up their pitchforks and torches in order to storm the capital. But then I guess they would have to gather up their balls and righteous indignation first.

  3. KG says:

    “But then I guess they would have to gather up their balls and righteous indignation first.” Yep.

  4. Angel says:
    What are we living through KG!??

  5. mara says:

    The next time I’m on an operating table I will insist that the medical crew is racially and gender diverse. Same when I’m strapped into a tin can way above the clouds and I discover that the pilots are all straight white men. God forbid! I’d walk straight outta there. In the first case the heteronornmative bastards give you drugs and tie you down so you don’t wriggle about during ops and fall on the floor and in the second case they don’t allow you to open the doors mid flight if you get nervous. Bastards. I’m so triggered I had to cancel my awareness meeting tonight.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:


    I was going to put this in Open House but comments are not available there. Anyway, this may fit here as well. My question is, will anyone with some clout stand up and fight against the EPA over this?

    • Darin says:

      Short answe-No.

      Long answer-They banned DDT,banned Lead paint,banned Myrex(the only thing that effectively killed Fire Ants)banned CFC’s,on and on and all of it was based on faulty “science”driven by political knee jerk and fabricated public opinion polls.

    • KG says:

      That’s very odd, because I put that item and a link in earlier. In open house. The link was to Science 2.o, which features the scientist concerned, directly from the American Thinker article.

  7. powderburns says:

    Joe Rogan and Alex Jones touched on lucrative organ farming in their wildly entertaining FOUR hour conversation.