The Dems and their “Jewish Problem”

Daniel Greenfield makes the connection between Socialism and Anti-Semitism-

Frontpage Mag-

“Anti-Semitism isn’t just a historical relic and Rep. Omar isn’t an outlier. The Democratic Socialists of America are rotten with anti-Semitism. Before she was defending Omar, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was chatting with Jeremy Corbyn. The British Labour leader has been widely condemned for his anti-Semitic remarks and for backing anti-Semitic allies whose hatred has been even more open than Omar’s.”

It seems Omar just picked up an endorsement-

The media was all over Trump after David Duke endorsed him,even though Trump outright rejected the endorsement.Now that the shoe is on the other foot and all the anti-semitic rats in the Democrating party are coming out the woodwork,things should be getting interesting soon.

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2 Responses to The Dems and their “Jewish Problem”

  1. KG says:

    from your link:
    Rep. Omar isn’t just mainstreaming anti-Semitism. She’s mainstreaming anti-Americanism.
    Damn right she is.

    ‘Q’ :

  2. Contempt says:

    Now we have three young bitches insulting my ass. Never ever dreamed these Muslim punks would be in my American Congress. There are only hard solutions to any of this.