Open House 3/10/19

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61 Responses to Open House 3/10/19

    • Pascal says:

      No way it could be the hormones fed to plants and animals that increases their size that could be passed along, right? :roll:

      It is also deemed irrational to suggest that such consequences may not be unintentional. IOW, self-censor every time you notice how unclothed is the king.

      • Darin says:

        I don’t put much stock into the claims made about horomones,GMOs or vaccines.Most of those claims are people trying to make excuses.
        I do know that many working women and,single moms especially,tend to stuff whatever the kids want down their throats.Either because they don’t have time to cook,don’t know how to cook or just plain don’t care.Couple that 2500-4000 calorie a day diet with zero activity and you get generations of fat,lazy,low expectation adults.

        Oh,and then we have this-

        The anti-vax movement is still gaining ground,this despite the fact that Tetnus,Diptheria,Polio etc are very much still around and still perfectly able to kill and maim.

        • Pascal says:

          Both explanations are possible. Everything is on the table once scientist discovered that had to go along with whatever ideas were the reason for the grant they were offered, especially when they noticed that others received no other offers whenever similar ones were turned down. The love of money is at the root of all evil.

          And yes, vaccines have saved lives; but recently the carrier agents for such vaccines have changed, and they indeed do carry added risks.

          This should be no surprise to anyone who pays attention to the Prog movement. It is stridently pushing all of the following: to convince large swaths of the population to self-sterilize; to force the sterilization of children by trans activists by threatening to charge the parents with child abuse; convince women to have no children at all; and to introduce “euthanasia” even by the unwilling.

          So anything that prevents crippling or lethal diseases is also a candidate for mischaracterization and deactivation one way or another.

          • mawm says:

            I’m not quite sure what you mean by “carrier agent” in vaccines. There are several different types of vaccine which provide either active or passive immunity. The latter is done by harvesting Immunoglobulins from the serum of immune individuals, while active immunity is acquired by inoculating persons with a live attenuated or killed organism, a toxoid or a subunit. Obviously these are all vastly different and would require different ways of ensuring safe storage. In the past multi-dose vials of vaccine contained a mercury compound to prevent transmission of infection, but nobody should be using multi-dose vials today.and shouldn’t have been for the last 30 – 40 years.

  1. Darin says:

    Walter Williams-“Our Earth is not Fragile”

    “My question is: Which of these powers of nature could be duplicated by mankind? For example, could mankind even come close to duplicating the polluting effects of the 1815 Tambora volcanic eruption? It is the height of arrogance to think that mankind can make significant parametric changes in the earth or can match nature’s destructive forces. Our planet is not fragile.”

    • Pascal says:

      That’s a great video at that link which contrasts the unequal treatment by law enforcement.

      Those who won’t speak of this will have no call to claim surprise when evil comes knocking on their own doors.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    From an item on American thinker on why Saudi Arabia is in serious financial trouble from the low price of crude.

    “The kingdom imports 70 percent of its food and does not produce military hardware, cars, refrigerators, civil airplanes, ships, or consumer and industrial goods.

    Saudi Arabians tend to lack employable skills and are culturally not inclined to work. Of the 30 million residents, only 5.5 million work, and 3 million work directly for the government. The small private sector tends to employ only foreigners.”

    • Pascal says:

      “The small private sector tends to employ only foreigners.” I suspect that “employ” was the polite verb okayed by censors.

  3. KG says:

    Not good:

    The U.S doesn’t need more spending, just realistic, URGENT prioritizing and stamping out Pentagon corruption and incompetence at the highest levels.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:
  5. Pascal says:

    Ok, Ace, as usual, makes good points: Tucker Carlson Calls Out the Totalitarian Left — and the Controlled-Opposition Right, Which Not Only Obey the Totalitarian Left’s Rules, but Vigorously Enforce Them.

    Please read that and come back.

    Assuming Ace followed the link back to this blog entry, here is what I have to say to him.

    However, repeat after me Ace: “I promise never to forget that the Progressive Movement began in country-club Republican circles.” They with their money and influence clearly remains Prog central and they still are filled with nothing but contempt for what the GOP base thinks.

    We have referred to them as RINOs, GOPe, Cuckservatives (and SKUNCs). But without them there would be a strong contingent of conservatives still in the democratic party. What the Progs did was enforce the slogan “no enemies to the left.” And as a result we have ever more radical leftists running the Democratic Party.

    What the GOPe ensured was to keep the rabid lunatics from going off the rails too quickly. Or that was how it used to be.

    Is anyone else here old enough to recall that other Prog slogan? “Two steps forward, one step back.” Anyone who does surely recognized that another word for progressive is incremental. Advances set down in law create a ratchet that “regresses” to old style tyranny, and is very hard to eradicate other than the way KG keeps reminding us.

    So Ace, if you bother to follow the link to this blog, enough with simply noting how in-step with the Sinister are the cucks. They help — and always have helped — orchestrate the outrages. Such phonies all need to be castrated before we can ever roll back the unconstitutional destruction of the Prog enemy.

    Note to Darin: I thought about setting this up as a new post. But what the heck? Good enough opinion for open house since it makes no matter without Cagey’s advice being heeded.

    • Darin says:

      “However, repeat after me Ace: “I promise never to forget that the Progressive Movement began in country-club Republican circles.” They with their money and influence clearly remains Prog central and they still are filled with nothing but contempt for what the GOP base thinks.”

      Exactly right
      As an example,Few remember just how progressive Nixon was-

      • Pascal says:

        That was another case where the press made a show of hating the man all the while he was carrying water for their masters.

        It’s why I remain skeptical about all politicians to this day. It’s why I keep mentioning that Trump was made bigger by the media before they appeared to turn on him.

        And this is reason enough to keep referring back to Plato and his allegory of the cave. It helps remind those of us who’ve been unchained why those still deluded can’t bear to hear us, and why even those partially awake don’t want to believe it possible.

  6. KG says:

    “..The ocean plastics pollution scare is a strong candidate for the biggest lie of 2018.
    Many congrats, Greenpeace. You must be so proud!”

  7. mawm says:

    There is a lot going on in DC. The Democrats have obviously been given a kick in the balls and are hastily backing away from their “impeachment” mantra. Is it because they have seen the Mueller report? Maybe not.

    The new hero is Doug Collins (R-GA) who initially released the closed doors interview of Bruce Ohr and now has released that of Lisa Page. Both are illuminating but what I find more interesting is his letter to Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

    They have just been shown the unconstitutionality of their planned “investigation” into Trump.

    • KG says: Oh my! What a beautiful letter!
      “Your Investigation Already Smacks of Corruption”

  8. KG says:

    AOC. “it’s like…it’s like… know…..”

  9. KG says:

    Britain today:
    A background of repeated defence cuts, but with those making the decisions nevercutting themselves, has left us with more Generals and Brigadiers (229) than main battle tanks (227) Two Admirals for every surface warship (38 versus 19) and 13 Captains (240total) for every destroyer or frigate. More Air Commodores and Air Marshals (118) than combat aircraft (72)

    Wabbit wonders how many Admirals and Generals NZ has, too….

  10. mawm says:

    Daniel Thomas says it perfectly, but it is not only Parliament but also those spawned by them..

    “The Brexit debates have exposed to the public what a fetid cesspit of lies, hypocrisy and outright treachery their Parliament has become and the sooner it is cleared out the sooner honesty and integrity in public life will return.”

  11. mawm says:

    Who’d fly in an aircraft that requires some spotty youth to write software to correct a design problem?

    “Boeing has been developing a flight control software enhancement for the 737 MAX, designed to make an already safe aircraft even safer. This includes updates to the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS) flight control law, pilot displays, operation manuals and crew training.”


    “A pitch augmentation control law (MCAS) was implemented on the 737 MAX to improve aircraft handling characteristics and decrease pitch-up tendency at elevated angles of attack.”

    I think I’d rather have a pilot at the controls than software that makes the planes plunge into the earth.

    • KG says:

      Especially since some pilots engage the bloody autopilot too soon. Apparently it has happened numerous times and pilots have promptly disengaed the AP in order to regain control.

  12. KG says:

    Sigh……this is the kind of idiocy that passes for “thinking” among the virtue-signalling igoramus tools of the NWO:

    • Darin says:

      I could dissect in technical terms everything wrong with their arguments.However that would be a waste of time,because it would be missing the mark.

      Instead I’ll cut straight to the chase-Labour’s Chinese masters want them to cut out some of thier competition in the Aluminum business.

  13. mawm says:

    Mass shooting in Christchurch as varied reports of two mosques being attacked and a bomb in a car. Possible shooting outside Christchurch Hospital. So much for gun controlled NZ and the benefits of multiculturalism, and watch the MSM go into overdrive about white terrorists.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      The shooter is reported as a white Australian. Messages painted on the guns and clips are anti-immigration. This is gold for the Left

      • tranquil says:

        Yes – I have to agree (“gold for the Left”).

        Cue the brainless fools at the Beehive coming on camera and wittering on about “Islam is the religion of peace”, blah blah blah……..

  14. KG says:

    Other than providing more incentives for the braindead to tighten gun laws even more, colour me indifferent.
    Thousands of raped women and dead adults and kids tend to do that.

    • mawm says:

      I’ll never forget Beslan! I wept as I watched the live TV feed.

      And don’t forget Obama’s ISIS and their utter depravity against women, children and anybody else who was different to them.

    • Yokel says:

      Queensland Senator Fraser Anning has a few choice words:

      • KG says:

        Lots of hysterical pearl clutching over his opinion but I’m willing to bet that a hell of a lot of people agree with him in private.

        • Darin says:

          What’s interesting is that many of the articles I have read online about the shooting have links in the sidebar to stories trying to drum up sympathy for the isis brides that want to return home to the west now that jihad johnnie has blown himself up or surrendered like a coward.

          • KG says:

            Lots of jihad johnnies obviously are no longer buying the ’72 underage white virgins waiting for them in Paradise’ schtick.