Sadly,every word of it is true.

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8 Responses to Sadly,every word of it is true.

  1. KG says: Nailed it!
    Except…the barbarians aren’t at the gates, they’re already inside the gates.
    via The Woodpile Report:
    Nothing lasts forever and the accelerating pace of domestic instability demonstrates just how fragile our social fabric is. As we enter the maelstrom of the Fourth Turning anything can happen. The Empire and its narrative struggle to maintain legitimacy in a time of universal corruption. All declines follow a similar path and once the collapse occurs events pick up speed leaving everyone who has failed to prepare caught unaware. The cities are the least secure location during such periods and only those who manage to find a place out of the reach of those who tear down the walls of our civilization will be safe.
    Take everything into consideration, but prepare for anything. Your life may depend upon it.

  2. Pascal says:

    I’d say “chilling” but that would only be a distant wish. You see, it would be a healthy sign were that descriptive of our rate of decline. You are correct KG — our cultural overlords have embraced barbarism and intend to force their subjects to follow.

  3. KG says:

    UN: tax meat to save planet
    6:48pmBen Webster

    Major UN report delivers dietary advice with the aim of helping to protect the environment while at the same time feeding the world’s burgeoning billions.

    “Dietary advice” my arse. Just another transfer of wealth from those who earn it to our future murderous, primitive bastard invaders. Since when were the world’s “burgeoning billions” our responsibility? They’re burgeoning because they breed like rabbits and it’s easier to be a parasite than clean up their own shitholes.It’s time somebody put a cruise missile through the U.N. headquarters.
    There’s a nod to the slobbering, mindless greenie and other leftist rent-a-mob bots in there (‘environment’) with the aim of feeding their vegan/green delusions so they’ll campaign on cue. Just as they in turn use brainwashed skoolkids for the same purpose.

  4. KG says:

    On the Brexit debacle:
    Be in no doubt that what we are witnessing is a coup against the people. There may not be tanks on the streets, but it’s a coup all the same. A few hundred MPs have decided to defy the will of the 17,410,742 British citizens who voted to leave the EU. It was the largest number of people to have voted for anything in our proud history.
    But the majority of ‘Hon members’ have been determined to overturn the referendum result, despite repeatedly promising to ‘respect’ it. The electorate is being treated with undisguised contempt. If they get away with it — which they probably will — Britain will have ceased to be a proper democracy.

    A population which has stood by while their daughters were raped in their thousands is far, far too supine to rise up en masse to take the country back.

    And their masters know it.

    • Darin says:

      Sometimes there is good cause to write your represenatives
      Sometimes there is good cause to protest
      Sometines there is good cause to vote out governments………..and sometimes there is good cause to……load up on road flares and diesel and burn the mother fucker down :evil:

  5. paul scott says:

    It is truly strange and sad to witness the suicide of the West. I read somewhere that the NWO will be quite happy to see us all conquered by Isla8m, and then in the next phase poison the Isl8amic world itself, completing the transcendence to evil.
    I spent most of my life inside alcoholism, and by the time I found God, now relatively powerless with less time to help.

    • KG says:

      I doubt there is anything any of us can do to turn back this tide of filth, Paul. It’s simply too late.
      Conservatives bicker and fight over details while the house is burning down around us.