Hey, greenie idiots:

You’re being played for the fools you are by the warmist tax-grabbers. Get a grown-up to explain the big words in this article if it’s all too hard for your brainwashed little minds:

Sun’s Impact on Climate ‘Greater than Thought’ Shock

just one comment under the article kinda sums things up:
“During Earths history….. the average atmospheric CO2 was roughly 25 times more than it is now…. LIFE Exploded and Thrived! We could likely benefit from much more CO2…. Not Less.
AND…. it takes a VERY Special Intellect to believe that Big Yellow thing in the Sky has no effect on the Temperature and Climate!”


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7 Responses to Hey, greenie idiots:

  1. KG says:

    Oh, and before any of you are misguided enough to comment here and quote the upcoming skoolkids’ demos about climate change, consider this:
    And yes, the environmental policies of the nazis closely resemble those of today’s green activists.
    (the Nazis rather spoiled their clean and green image with the thick black smoke from the gas ovens and Stuka dive bombers, though)

    • paul scott says:

      Whenever school children start telling us what is what > I consider just how raw and naive they are, like puppies . Time to go back to school little children learn science, geography, history and climate over millennia.
      Then speak.

  2. KG says:

    Ignorant, uninformed effing tools. Next stop, Venezuela 2.0.

  3. Darin says:

    The total surface area of the Sun’s heliosphere at our 150million km radius is 283,000,000,000,000,000 km^2
    At that radius the Sun’s energy output is 1,386,000 watts per km^2
    Or a total of 392,238,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts………continously for the last 4.5 billion years.
    Anyone who thinks our Sun only plays a minor role in our climate is insane full stop.

    Or as Dr Tim Ball put it-“ignoring the roll of the Sun and water vapor in our climate and instead focusing on Co2,is like taking your car to a mechanic and telling him to ignore the engine and transmission,but instead focus on one left rear wheel lugnut”

  4. paul scott says:

    haha the left rear nuts > I like pointing at the Sun to them, and saying > It’s all that thing’s fault, you should tax it.