Lies and propaganda, and the media gleefully repeat them.

As well as plenty of their own.
Experts tracking the rise of far-right terrorism say extremism has been growing in New Zealand and the warning signs of an attack have been apparent.
“For a long time [New Zealand] has assumed that this extremism is not here, but it is,” said Massey University Centre for Defence and Security Studies counter-terrorism expert Dr John Battersby.
Distance was no protection from from the rise of global extremism, with the flourishing of the right in Europe, and US President Donald Trump and the alt-right in America emboldening potential terrorists, he said.

New Zealand’s relaxed attitude towards gun ownership was also a major issue, with the gunman at Christchurch’s Deans Ave mosque carrying a horrific number of weapons, Battersby said.’

Battersby used to be (perhaps still is for all I know) Sergeant Battersby of the NZ police And the NZ Police Association is strongly in favour of ever more gun control, to the point where the union has even advocated taking guns out of the hands of “civilians”. (Last time I looked, police were civilians too)
Massey University is home to perhaps the greatest concentration of leftist academics and activists you’ll find anywhere, so of course they’e the go-to source for the socialist media which happily repeats their distorted and sometime flat-out lying views.
Oh, and while we’re at it, NZ does not have a “relaxed attitude” to gun ownership, far from it. The screening and qualification process to obtain a licence is obviously very effective, since less than 1% of firearms crimes are committed by licensed owners. That figure might have been “adjusted” by the anti-gun zealots recently, of course.

See: ‘Dishonest Academia’

‘Another lie about gun crime’

Firearm murders in New Zealand

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46 Responses to Lies and propaganda, and the media gleefully repeat them.

  1. KG says:

    Here’s an absolutely perfect example:
    ‘Far-right terror is a threat
    OPINION: Terrorists linked to the far right are no less murderous than Islamist groups that get more headlines from politicians.’
    (bold mine)
    From Breitbart comments:
    ‘2 Muslims kill 35 Christians in Nigeria last week. No news. 4 Muslims killed 89 Christians 2 weeks before that in Somalia. No news.

    Stop with the phony outrage.’

    • KG says:

      Despite the fact that NZ firearms owners have one of the safest records in the world and also the fact that draconian, restrictive gun laws have never stopped or even reduced murder rates.
      The leftist bastards never let a chance go by to draw the totalitarian noose a liitle tighter.
      Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide A Review of International Evidence

      But this is all a waste of time, isn’t it? Hundreds of Christian churches have been burned and thousands of Christians murdered, yet hardly a peep (in fact I don’t recall one in the NZ media) about this and what particular religion of peace is responsible.The media and the rest of the socialists and uninformed fools who swallow their lies aren’t interested in facts, only in power and building their perfect Utopia. And they’ll kill to achieve it if necessary. 150 million so far and counting demonstrates that.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Our inept and embarrassing government will “dine out” on the “right wing/white supremacist” garbage for months. The shooter is a nut-job who has little apparent ability to even engage with reality let alone a considered and persistent ideology. This guy deserves to be confined to a mental asylum for the rest of his natural life. I see a touch of irony that the Canterbury Rugby Team has called-off its match in Dunedin. The team name is the “Crusaders.”
        Now that the media and the government are engraving the white supremacy trope on the incident, what would happen if next week a crazed Muslim replicated the killings against the general population? Would the media and politicians label it a rightful revenge attack?

        • KG says:

          No. Mentally ill lone wolf in no way representative of his ideology. (I refuse to call it a religion)

      • Robertv says:

        Their ‘perfect’ Utopia can’t exist under sharía law. Or do they think Saudi Arabia is Utopia?

  2. Oswald Bastable says:

    Now waiting for the inevitable ‘Revenge’ attack…

    • Andy5759 says:

      They’ll be given the nod when it’s the best time to do it. During the Policeman’s Ball probably. Stay safe down there you lot, there will be all sorts of witch hunts and wotnot.

    • Darin says:‘Revenge’ is right,it’s been business as usual since anybody can remember-

      I must have missed the week long moral outrage over this massacre last week

      • KG says:

        Yeah, me too.

        • Brown says:

          A serious side issue arises from this appalling event in that rational and reasonable debate about the integration of Islam with the secular west cannot now take place – attempts to do so will be seen as victim blaming and hate speech by those that make the rules irrespective of facts and respect being shown.

          If Islamic theology was largely excluded from scrutiny before this insane attack that protection has just ramped up significantly. This moron thought he was doing the west a service but has made things worse. Violence was never going to help debate. The final words of the original Planet of The Apes film come to mind.

          • KG says:

            “A serious side issue arises from this appalling event in that rational and reasonable debate about the integration of Islam with the secular west cannot now take place..”
            It never could have, Brown.

            during 2017 disciples of Islam killed at least 84,023 people in 66 countries…
            Their own “holy” book makes such a thing as rational and reasonable debate impossible.
            I don’t ‘debate’ with a junkyard dog that wants to tear my throat out.

      • Pascal says:

        Not necessarily out of context observation: It’s a nightmare set up by the ruling class to terrorize their subjects. Except I’m too bored by the charade to be terrorized. I’m just really pissed at myself for having been so passive the last 50 years (since about the time I woke up).

  3. KG says:

    ‘ The crowd in attendance at a vigil at Auckland’s Aotea Square cheered loudly when Attorney-General David Parker said the Government would ban semi-automatic rifles.

    He warned of a global rise of extremism.’
    I don’t recall him warning of that when ISIS were forming their Caliphate….

    “There is a dimming of enlightenment in many parts of the world,” he said.
    Yeah, led by leftists.
    Not a ‘dimming’ in the West, some countries simply never experienced the Enlightenment, you ignoramus. And they are responsible for these events.
    See Newton’s Third Law.

    • Pascal says:

      Except the misplaced blame is primarily whipped up by scheming fanatics nurtured by the Progs and megaphoned by the Humpty-Dumpty media. Crazy like a fox.

      • KG says:

        Yep, exactly.
        and from Breitbart just now:
        ‘The man allegedly responsible for the mass shooting at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, wrote in his manifesto that the modern political system he most admired was that of communist China.’
        You won’t see that in the prog media.

        • Cadwallader says:

          Not a chance KG. It is as futile as trying to explain to Liberals that the word “socialist” is in the label NAZI.

        • Robertv says:

          Communist/socialist hate religion. They would be the first to fight Islam if it really was a religion. Would we call the Global Warming cult a religion?

  4. KG says:

    Brit paper reports that some of the ammo (or a magazine) had ‘for Rotherham’ written on it.

  5. Bill the Bunyip says:

    I noticed that immediately the shooter was id’ed as a white supremist.
    Surely he should have been a lone wolf with mental problems, just like all the others??

    • KG says:

      G’day Bill. Good to see you.
      Don’t be silly, man. It’s white European men who are toxic and racist and all that stuff. Older ones are worse and veritable right-wing death-beasts in waiting, even if they’re disguised as decent, ordinary people working their asses off to raise families. In fact those are the worst, because they’re also consuming and polluting and………things……
      Brown skinned invaders are none of those things, they’re multicultural and everything and..
      aaah,fuck it. There’s enough vomitious, cringing coverage here should anyone be in need of an emetic:

      How’s our beloved desert looking these days, Bill?

  6. KG says:

    Nigerian Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks

    “Hard questions should be asked why the world’s media is so much more interested in a massacre of Muslims in New Zealand than ongoing massacres of Christians in Africa.”

  7. Bill the Bunyip says:

    Yesterday we saw a dickhead “egg’ a duly elected senator from Queensland. The senator then slapped him twice and is now being vilified by the usual suspects/apologists for his reactions.
    In this instance I actually agree that the senator should be reprimanded. The pathetic slap (note the slime media describe it as a punch) was both too slow and too weak.
    If someone believes they have the right to “egg” someone else, the appropriate response should be a straight right/left (depending on preference) with no need for a follow up.
    While I am being partially facetious with those comments I do believe that Senator Anning needs to be taken aside and given some training/advice on self defence and situational awareness. His entourage also need some serious training in the latter as well.
    The response from the usual quarters has been predictable in its speed and vilification which is probably the best indicator that Fraser Anning is considered a serious threat to the Uniparty and its enablers in the slime media.

    I also read today that NZ’s ambassador to Oz is “dame” Annette King. The world has truly gone mad.
    As for the desert Mr Wabbit, a little rain in the last few weeks has helped but it is very dry.All the wildlife is hanging around the road verges to get the last traces of growth and consequently the roadkill is high. Rapidly stopping a fully loaded Quad roadtrain is not an option so there are carcasses everywhere. Good for the wedgetails unlesss they time their takeoff a liitle late. Great crop of Quandongs last year which sadly have just about gone, gold is still being found, generally life is good with very few interfering busybodies to annoy me.

    • KG says:

      I miss it greatly, Bill. Correction,not greatly – intensely and constantly.

      • Darin says:

        “In this instance I actually agree that the senator should be reprimanded. The pathetic slap (note the slime media describe it as a punch) was both too slow and too weak.”

        He should have at least drew blood or knocked a couple teeth out.Increasingly pain is the only thing that registers with these braindead leftists.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Tighter gun controls in NZ. You know you are peasants when you uncomplainingly acquiesce to the government making it harder to defend yourself because some nut used a gun to kill unarmed civilians.

    • Darin says:

      So have sales of PVC sewer pipe and threaded caps increased yet?You know,the kind for ground burial

  9. Grog says:

    Looks like the retaliation has started.

  10. Darin says:

    PJW- The New Zealand Mosque Attack

    • Pascal says:

      Darin, don’t you think PJW’s concluding lines deserve highlighting? The RegressiveLeft needs to be publicly indicted by his words “every single time” since they are guilty of them every single time.

      • Darin says:

        Sure,but what good would it do,since the left are populated by hypocrites who have no shame?

  11. Warren Tooley says:

    According to one person, the killer was communistic.

  12. powderburns says:

    There is extremism in New Zealand, no doubt. More common than we might like to admit. Nested safely in Universities, virtuous strutting government bureaucracies and shirking in the shadows protected by union thugs. The left ideology is that fungi that grows only in the dark, safe spaces, nurtured by envy and dark thoughts. Exposed to the light in broad sunlit meadows, it dies.

    The banning of guns, is exactly what the killer wanted. Well done NZ. You seem to be aligning with a mass murderer.

    “IF you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,” Rudyard

    • Pascal says:

      “The banning of guns, is exactly what the killer wanted. Well done NZ. You seem to be are aligning with a mass murderer.” [editing added]

      Precisely why the Soviet-Style NZ Media has censored the killer’s manifesto. It’s left up to independent kiwis to get it in front of the eyes of their fellow kiwi. The NZ Comintern wants you defenseless come the next round of killings.