PJW video

His final remarks raise an intriguing possibility…..

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5 Responses to PJW video

  1. Darin says:

    The shame here is it would only take the actions of a few good men to bring all of these sick bastards down.I hope Trump and any others like him have a core group of men that they can count on to do what needs to be done behind the scenes.Sometimes investigations and charges simply aren’t enough.

  2. Pascal says:

    This video and it’s final speculations about the reason for the virulent overreaction to Trump in office are nearly two years old. What else has happened since?

    If the Trump administration was perceived as that much of a threat after only a couple of months in office, surely there’s been more. Or was there a backing off? Does anybody know the rest of the story?

      • Darin says:

        That is one of the major reasons for building the wall and locking down the southern border.
        Human trafficing of all types is off the charts.With all the attention that kidnappings and high profile pedo’s attract,they have had to switch their supply to non-citizens.

        I also have to wonder about those blue state legislatures that blocked the implementation of the Amber alert system in thier states.What was thier real motive for doing so???