Open House 3/29/19

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58 Responses to Open House 3/29/19

  1. Darin says:

    Brazil’s President Bolsonaro signs decree loosening gun ownership rules-

  2. Pascal says:

    Hat tip Dymphna for the following fond memory and for its seeming pertinence around the globe — never more so than in France.

    (Lyrics spelled out at the top link.)

  3. KG says:

    Excellent reading, meaty stuff and very definitely conservative.

    • mawm says:

      Heh! How wrong one can be. There I was thinking that some strategically placed .50 Brownings would do it.

    • Yokel says:

      He seems to be getting close to it (at least her first few bullet points):

      A very recent DJT tweet (with my emphasis):
      Mexico must use its very strong immigration laws to stop the many thousands of people trying to get into the USA. Our detention areas are maxed out & we will take no more illegals. Next step is to close the Border! This will also help us with stopping the Drug flow from Mexico!
      — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 30, 2019

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      More like the castration knife is raised

    • Yokel says:

      Slight argument with the article. In this instance the EU is almost certainly a Rule Taker and not a Rule Maker. Car safety specifications are now run globally by the UN, which is why cars mostly look the same wherever you are in the world. The UN body charged with setting the specs is UNECE (The UN Economic Commission for Europe) which I guess was looking for a new role given the rise of the EU.

      So please let me repeat that this is a UN problem. The UN and their bodies are exerting ever greater control over factors that might affect world trade.

  4. KG says:

    ‘Mosque in Christchurch shootings tied to radical islamic terrorists.’

    Video of report here:

    How do you separate the sharks from the fish when they all look and behave the same? That’s the real question facing any immigration policy.

  5. KG says:

    ‘Alleged Christchurch mosque killer’s banned manifesto booby-trapped by hackers’

    Does anybody else smell a State actor here? Because Wabbit sure does.

    • Pascal says:

      No question about it Wabbit. The murderer being an ecofascist as described in that manifesto implicates Jacinda and her party so the ruling claque has sought to hide that connection at all costs.

      • KG says:

        Absolutely – and he claims to admire Communist China, too. Not a good look for this socialist mob of a “government”.

        Update: hmmmmmmmmm…this just in:
        ‘Ardern opens new Beijing embassy’
        and, on the same page just now:
        ‘Ardern in China: Beijing ‘ready to strengthen relationship’ with NZ’
        I bet they are! NZ – the perfect Chinese Pacific/Antarctica outpost.

        • Pascal says:

          He’s also still alive. Most of these guys who received less compliance from the authorities with their intentions wound up dead after their murder spree. Hmmm.

  6. KG says:

    Gutless dhimmi:

    Groin Kick

    But watch that “hate speech”, y’hear?

    ‘Report: Gang Stole BILLIONS from UK Taxpayers, Infiltrated Govt, Funded al-Qaeda and Labour’
    They’re not Shetland Islanders, are they?

  7. KG says:

    ‘Pope Francis used strong language to condemn populism Sunday, suggesting that it gains followers through fear as Hitler did in the 1930s.’
    This slimy socialist/globalist bastard deserves all the religious respect a snake does.

  8. KG says:

    Theodore Dalrymple:
    Theresa May did not emerge from a social vacuum. She is typical of the class that has gradually attained power in Britain, from the lowest levels of the administration to the highest: unoriginal, vacillating, humorless, prey to the latest bad ideas, intellectually mediocre, believing in nothing very much, mistaking obstinacy for strength, timid but nevertheless avid for power. Thousands of minor Mays populate our institutions, as thousands of minor Blairs did before them.

    Sound familiar?

    • Darin says:

      From the comments-
      ” The West is on the march to a collectivist, globalist disaster and anything that exposes that march and makes its continuation more difficult is not a regrettable rift but a call to a last ditch defense of liberty.”

    • GP says:

      One of my favourite writers.

  9. KG says:

    I’ll post more about this fucking outrage when I’ve had a few coffees and cooled off a little.
    (you’ll notice it’s by the Herald’s “Education Reporter”)

  10. KG says:

    The PR machine cranks it up
    notch and the rehabilitation of the “PM” begins:
    ‘Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern pays for groceries of mother who forgot her wallet’

    Expert makeup/ airbrush job, by the way…

  11. Darin says:

    Swiss women and the elderly are arming up-

    Hmmm…wonder if it’s because they see their neighbors being flooded by hordes of third world savages?

  12. Darin says:


    Something tells me Herman Munster’s kid sister isn’t going to call out islam’s little homophobic problem anytime soon.

  13. Darin says:

    A beautiful thing-

    1917 new in box,all original,if only I could win the lottery just once

  14. KG says:

    “we are all muslims now” say the Christchurch dhimmis. Perhaps they’d like to help muslims do this to NZ schools too?

    ‘School Tells Parents if Daughter Wears Hijab, Her Bullying Problem Might Go Away
    Two German parents say were shocked when a school headmaster suggested they make their daughter wear an Islamic headscarf to solve her issues with bullying.
    The young fifth-grade girl was the target of alleged bullying by Muslim girls in a Frankfurt school where she was singled out because she has a German-Hebrew name, blonde hair, and does not wear an Islamic headscarf, Bild reports.

    Why we should never, ever import muslims until a way is found to screen them adequately and deport any who refuse to at least obey our laws.
    A very illuminating article, for those with the wit to see the lessons in it.

  15. KG says:

    Whose culture needs to be “enriched” by barbarians? Not mine, that’s for sure.
    Cool archeological discovery: