hahaha-the biter bit

The virtue-signalling Kiwi politician who betrayed his supporters and gave Kiwis this Coalition of Losers gets nailed:

‘Aussie Senator hits back at Winston Peters’ tongue lashing’

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18 Responses to hahaha-the biter bit

  1. the conservative says:

    Yeah, KG. Winston is all piss and wind. And to think I wasted my vote last time on that prick (only because there was no one else).
    We wouldn’t be in the crap we are in now if it weren’t for him siding with the Socialists. I thought he would have gone with National (the more moderate left wingers) but how wrong I was. So I actually helped vote these Socialists in and now I have to live with that thought. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    • Darin says:

      Terry,we have very much the same problem in every western nation.It’s the media and thier masters that choose our candidates.Every presidential election for the last 30+ years in the US has been reduced to a choice between Rotten bastard A and Rotten bastard B.

      It’s like my father once said back when the choice we were given was Bush41 and Clinton-“we are a nation of 300+million people and these two idiots are the best we can do?”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

      • Warren Tooley says:

        The way Jordan Maxwell explains it, is the elite select candidates, we elect those that are selected, by the elite.

  2. KG says:

    Kiwi Madness
    Embracing the myth of Muslim innocence.

    Last month, according to at least one count, there were 154 terrorist attacks around the world. Here’s a rundown of some of the major ones. The Taliban took 23 lives in Helmond Province, Afghanistan; at least 15 in Qaysar District, Afghanistan; ten in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan; 20 in Bala Murghab, Afghanistan; 22 in a second attack in Qaysar; and 65 in Sangin District, Afghanistan. ISIS murdered eight people in Idlib, Syria; five in the Anbar desert in Iraq; 16 in Jalalabad; seven in Makhmur, Iraq; 17 in two separate attacks in Kabul; and five in the Syrian desert. In Mali, Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed 32 people in two separate attacks. In Syria, Ansar al-Tawhid killed 27. In Mozambique, Ansar al-Sunna killed 13 people in a terrorist attack. In three terrorist attacks in Mali, Al-Shabaab took a total of 38 lives. A Turkish jihadist, Gökmen Tanis, shot four people to death on a Utrecht tram. And a man named Brenton Tarrant killed 50 people in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
    Which of these things is not like the others?
    Only one of these attacks was not motivated by a devotion to Islam. Only one was committed by a single individual acting on his own and not as a member of a terrorist group. And only one made worldwide headlines and caused an entire country to lose its mind and take a scimitar to its own freedoms.


  3. the conservative says:

    Thanks for that, KG. I hope you don’t mind me using that for my video tomorrow. I have been looking around for something that I can use with that Crusaders name change idiocy and that may just do it.

    I saw or read something the other day somewhere where someone rattled off Islamic terror attack after attack which included one Somalia. If you can recall that one, can you reply to this?

  4. KG says:

    There ya go Terry:
    Associated Press in Mogadishu
    Sat 23 Mar 2019 08.38 EDT

    Five killed in Islamist attack on government building in Somalia.

    You’re right about the Crusaders name change. Cringing idiocy. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    • Phil Stephenson says:

      Maybe they can call themselves The Princesses.

    • mawm says:

      Maybe they can call them the Saracens. I know it’s already taken but there seems to be no objection to it in the United Kingdom of islam.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Mawm, I’ve played Age of Kings, and Saracens seems to describe militant Islam best, as far as what they looked like on horse, hundreds of years ago.

        Were you by chance thinking of ‘Age of Kings’?

  5. the conservative says:

    Thanks KG http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_smile.gif

  6. KG says:

    Wabbit has been wondering for some time why this guy is given such prominence by the NZ Herald.
    Wonder no more…

    ‘Exceltium is New Zealand’s most successful corporate and public affairs consultancy.
    With extensive networks into Wellington’s political establishment and Auckland’s commercial heart, Exceltium is uniquely placed to offer the full range of services to clients facing challenges or opportunities in both the commercial and political domains.

    Led by Managing Director Matthew Hooton, Exceltium uses its combination of intellect, experience and networks to design strategy-led communications programmes that shift opinions and policies to support the business plans of our clients.’

    Of course, that’s what PR firms do, but the Herald never mentions the rather special relationship between the company and politicans when it prints one of these “opinion” pieces.

  7. KG says:

    “We are all muslims now”
    Oh yeah?
    ‘Two Islamic extremists have been arrested by police in Paris after allegedly plotting to massacre a kindergarten full of children.’

    Sooner or later there will be another Beslan. So I’ll decline membership, if that’s ok with Jacinda and her hysterical girly gang.

    oh..and yes, troughing dishonest bastards. Almost 70k of taxpayer’s money to a couple of academic experts on vaginas and other unrelated junk in order for them to pose as experts on guns and firearms policy.