The real threat we face

“Hanification” and “Ayran Supremacy” – no difference.
Because Uighurs and Kazakhs are dying in the camps in considerable numbers, Beijing is building crematoria to eradicate burial traditions while disposing of corpses.
The only thing missing is the showers with Zyklon B
….Concentration camps, racism, eugenics, ambitions of world domination. Sound familiar?
There is a new Third Reich, and it is China.


‘We are going to lose the coming war with China

….Of course, it would also be nice if the Navy would emphasize seamanship and basic skills again so that it could keep its super-expensive ships from running into other vessels. The U.S.S. Fitzgerald collision not only killed some of our precious sailors, but took out a key weapons platform – 1/280th of our entire fleet! – because its officers failed again and again and because key systems on the ship were out of commission.
This is inexcusable, but it is being excused. The focus of our military has shifted from victory to satisfying the whims of politicians. Here’s a troubling thought – if you go to one of the service branches’ War Colleges and poll the faculty and students about America’s greatest strategic threat, as many as 50% of the respondents will tell you it is “climate change.” That’s not an exaggeration. Our military is supposed to be dealing with the Chinese military and its brain trust is obsessing about the weather in 100 years.’

Read the whole thing. While we dick around with sophisticated, expensive and very very vulnerable systems – a mindset that can’t be turned around in less than twenty years – China has been preparing for the next war, not the last one.

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11 Responses to The real threat we face

  1. KG says:

    Twelve years or more ago Wabbit was saying that this would be the “Chinese century”.
    Met by big yawns…..and accusations of racism and xenophobia.

    • Darin says:

      China ruled the world once before and may once again.The difference this time are several decades of societal backwardness.If the Chinese people had not been subjected to the cultural stagnation of Stalinist communism,they would have already taken the lead.
      I don’t think they will make a move militarily until they achieve one critical goal-being able to feed themselves.Rightnow they depend on imports for 50% plus of their food supply.I think that was the calculation Trump made when taking them on with trade tarriffs.Americans can do without cheap electronics and tennis shoes,but can the Chinese do without food?

      In any rate,I’m not as worried about the PLA as I am about the 50% of my own countrymen that are stupid enough to vote for the American Maoists on the democrat ticket.They are the biggest threat in my view,just like roaches,it’s not what they eat that’s the problem,it’s all the stuff they F–k up.

  2. tom hull says:

    Wabbit was wight

  3. Anonymous says:


    An ethno-centric, highly homogenous, well educated East Asian nation with advanced heavy industries and research capabilities, a huge superiority complex, a surplus of men of fighting age and dreams of a new Empire.

    Here we go again…

  4. And idiot Kiwis are disarming themselves…
    No guerilla warfare for you!

  5. Alan says:

    Don’t worry, the North Macedonian republic will rise up and defeat them and save us all.