Pay Close Attention

Once freedom is lost,this is what it takes to get it back-



Go for the air intakes boys,that’s the one place she’s weak aka why I want a .50cal rifle

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10 Responses to Pay Close Attention

  1. KG says:

    Things won’t be changed by the ballot box. We now have hordes of brainwashed clowns with heads full of crap that would take generations to breed out.. The ballot box merely enables their preparation for the destruction of civilized society.
    The commies seize power, eventually, at the point of a gun. Always.
    100+ million dead are mute testimony to that.

    • Pascal says:

      …and consequently around a billion or so enslaved under the latest Chinese “dynasty.” The enabler Progs fingerprints all over it too. We used to boycott Soviet exports but we’ve mainstreamed Red-Chinese exports and let our pols be paid-off by all those returning American dollars.

      • KG says:

        Solution :
        kinetic, but starting from the top down.
        Street thuggery and riots would miraculously evaporate.
        Until those responsible for selling us out, betraying us and helping enslave us are held directly and personally to account, the slide into serfdom continues.

  2. Yokel says:

    From “Why May put Huawei before security”

    Penultimate paragraph shows how she bows to the financial muscle displayed by China:
    “Part of strengthening Britain’s global presence was his proposal to deploy an aircraft carrier in international waters that China claims as its own. China immediately suspended its plan to send a delegation in June to sign a collection of economic and financial deals. Yet within two days of the leak last week that the National Security Council had decided to let Huawei into Britain’s 5G, China announced that it would arrive in June to sign those deals after all.”

    All part of the debate surrounding the abrupt sacking of the UK Defence Secretary.

    Others ( suggest on Twatter that his sacking is actually a cover for passing control of the UK Armed Forces, Defence Manufacturing, Intelligences Services, Police Forces to the EU Defence Union. The treaty for this body has no exit clause whatsoever. The gossip is that May wants this handover complete before she concludes any sham “Brexit” in name only that she is forced to by the electorate.

    • KG says:

      The fact tht she’s still upright and in office is an indictment of the British people.

      Still and all, a people who will stand idly by while their daughters are raped in the thousands by invaders is far, far below anything resembling a decent society. Watch as the rest of the West slides into the same pit.