Banned by the Gestapo….Uh…I mean Facebook

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10 Responses to Banned by the Gestapo….Uh…I mean Facebook

  1. KG says:

    Facebook is for the True Believers, the Party faithful, and anybody else who still uses it is a fucking idiot with no spine.
    The left has done exactly what conservatives and even apolitical folks should have done years ago – they’ve brought the enemy to battle and the process of destroying him is well under way.
    They’re winning without having to fire a shot.

    • fish153 says:

      This is surreal, crazy……it’s war

      • Darin says:

        I had a FB account,briefly,many years ago.I terminated it once I figured out what it was all about.Nothing but a time toilet then,now it’s every totalitarian’s dream realised.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    I have never had a Facebook or Instagram or Twitter account and don’t intend to more for lack of interest (and privacy) than fear of being censored. However, this is unwarranted censorship and totalitarian. Reminds me of an old bit of prose…”First they came for the Jews…”

  3. I have a FB account.
    I moderate a FB group, League of Deplorable Gentlemen.
    I belong to user group whose members restore classic boats.
    I keep track of family and friends.
    I promote conservative values.
    I can no longer post a link to my blog.
    Not a particular post.
    Any post.
    Previous posted links are mow broken.
    I’m about ready to quit giving Zuckerberg my tacit support.
    But I would miss the fraternity I have enjoyed there.
    It’s a problem.

    • Darin says:

      “I’m about ready to quit giving Zuckerberg my tacit support.
      But I would miss the fraternity I have enjoyed there.
      It’s a problem.”

      And that’s how they get away with what they do,by extortion.

      It’s a conservative principle to vote with our feet and resist the temptation of government inteference in a private enterprise.However why should we tolerate the abuse?We have to make a stand at some point and if we can’t stand together now how will we stand when the fight becomes kinetic?

      We need to understand that we are no longer living in the Reagan era-

      My own choice would be leave,but take as many people as you can with you.

    • Pascal says:

      I wonder Ed. Is their tracker-robot sophisticated enough to block you when using a non link link at FB such as ed-bonderenka -dot- blogspot -dot- com/itemname? At the very least it seems that FB is signalling that they are worried you will walk and take others with you as Darin suggested.

      It amazes me too that Wretchard has been successful and yet still has no problem linking to his pjmedia supported Belmont Club, and the same with his twitter account. It is true he almost never takes a strong position on the stories he reveals, rather taking an oblique angle as he reveals the wrongs of the world. Or is he protected as he poses as a post-modern day satirist that gets special points because he’s a minority with a Harvard diploma? I dunno: other minorities who buck the Leftist trend rarely get treated well.

  4. Darin says:

    PJW: Trump Tweeted about Me!