Great idea,what could possibly go wrong?



“After being placed in San Antonio, the illegal immigrants are bussed to a destination of their choice by local charities who spend “roughly $14,000 a week on bus tickets.”

Last weekend, a group of more than 100 illegals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo were filmed wading through the Rio Grande River and entering the United States.

In a statement, CBP said, “Agents have encountered 182 large groups (100+ individuals) across the SW border this fiscal year. This is the first large group apprehended in Del Rio Sector this FY and the first large group apprehended on the SW border this FY consisting entirely of African nationals.”

Okay,I have two questions-

#1 How did they get here,as in who gave them the money?

#2 Can liberal progs even spell -pandemic?


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8 Responses to Great idea,what could possibly go wrong?

    • mawm says:

      More diversity.

      …this happened in 2015; more than 3 tons of ammonium nitrate and it is only coming out now! The police and MI5 hid it from the public and their MPs, told only PM David Cameron and Home Sec Theresa May.

      More here from the Times of Israel.

      ‘(snip) The Telegraph speculated that the incident was kept quiet because the US had just signed the Iran nuclear deal.

      “It raises questions about whether senior UK government figures chose not to reveal the plot in part because they were invested in keeping the Iran nuclear deal afloat,” the paper said.’

      They’d do anything for Barry…

      • Darin says:

        Which begs the question,should British citizens be added to Trump’s no-fly list,since Britain is basically a muslim country now?

        • mawm says:

          Just the mozzies and those who carry water for them would probably be enough. The rest of the population are okay although a bit wimpy.

          • mara says:

            mawm, I’m not sure that the wimpy ones are okay as they are actually enabling the Islamic invasion which progresses daily in the West. Cultures die from “wimpy” resistance to invasion. Islam is anything but “wimpy” and is laughing its sandals off at our wimpy response which equates to no real response or resistance at all. So it continues inexorably until we eventually wear veils , cut female genitals and pretend, in law, that all cultures are equal.

            • Darin says:

              I find British “christians” particularly wimpy.They have to be the pinnacle of “turn the other cheek” doctrine to the point they have been slapped silly.

            • mawm says:

              Mara – I don’t think that you are correct. I’d say that a majority of Brits are not enabling Islam and its invasion but rather that they have been so cowered by the potential of a racist label for “wrong speak” that they are too wimpy to speak out for fear of that or similar label.

  1. Darin says:

    “Meanwhile, Dr Michael Ryan, the executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program, told BBC News that the global spread of deadly diseases is becoming “a new normal” thanks to “large and highly mobile populations”.

    :evil: :evil: