Then Get on With It Already!


Daily Caller-

“The Review is broad in scope and multifaceted, and is intended to illuminate open questions regarding the activities of U.S. and foreign intelligence services as well as non-governmental organizations and individuals,” Boyd wrote.”

It’s well past time to unleash the hounds on these traitors.To date there have been no indictments,no arrests,no trials and no results.

“He did not explain the references to foreign intelligence services or non-governmental organizations. It is known that the Australian and British governments were involved in some degree to the counterintelligence activities against Trump associates.”

Come on,put all the cards on the table,show us what you got.Allies be dammed,if they were actively in bed with the Obama cabal in order to influence our elections,the American people need to know.

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2 Responses to Then Get on With It Already!

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Absolutely! I’m sick and tired of ‘soon’, ‘just about’, ‘nearly’, and any other comment other than ‘Found Guilty”.

  2. mawm says:

    While they are about it they must nail Obama for his treasonous trips around the world urging governments to not work with/listen to Trump, to wait him out. The FBI should be waiting for him at the airport with the silver bangles. Add Kerry to that as well.