Open House 6/12/19

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25 Responses to Open House 6/12/19

  1. mawm says:

    VDH – “The FBI Tragedy: Elites above the Law”

    • Darin says:

      The article forgets who the Mac Daddy of them all was-Eric Holder.He was the man at the top of the pyramid at the DOJ.I maintain all roads lead to him and he was the Obama/Clinton fixer well before Trump even thought about running.

      This isn’t just limited to the FBI either.Nearly all federal departments have the same issue.I think it stems from the employment protection federal employees have.It’s almost impossible to get rid of an incompitent arsehole,unless you recomend them for promotion that is…

  2. Darin says:

    Swedish police walkback claims of “Christian extremist no-go zones” :roll:


  3. fish153 says:

    Black Pigeon Speaks just been banned from U Tube!!!!

    • Darin says:

      Yes,saw that and it’s a travesty,they claimed “hate speech” the last couple years I have been listening to his channel I never once saw anything of the sort.

      “Hate speech” is any speech the left hates,simple as that.

  4. Bill The Bunyip says:

    I came across this brilliant article from Theodore Dalrymple at Takis Magazine.
    He has a way with words that many of us can only hope to come close to. However I do take issue with his assertion near the end that the education people are unable to make decisions. Education is like many other institutions that have become “corporatized” with all the garbage that corporatization brings. The education people he describes are in reality, unwilling to make a decision. They no longer exist in their jobs to do anything apart from climb the corporate ladder or if they have reached their level they are clinging to that rung of the ladder. They will do nothing that could put their future prospects at risk and thus they pass any decision making up the foodchain. Eventually decision making reaches a level in the foodchain where it will occur. At that level there are no fuckups made, there are only policy and procedural issues that caused the dam to collapse or some similar disaster. A full corporate review of policies and procedures will happen, complete with various consultants and advisors. The outcome will be a few words in a policy/procedure will be amended and the issue can never happen again.
    I work in and on the periphery of mining in West Australia which is the epitomy of corporate “culture”. Complete and utter stupidity rules the day all in the sacred name of “Safety”. It also allows the Peter Principle to be overruled as many in senior positions are many levels above their own incompetence. As a small example, I recently was tasked with affixing some racks to the inside of a container. Metal plates are welded to the legs of the racks and I used coach screws to fix them to the wooden
    floor. The “logistics co-ordinator” asked to borrow my 3/8 rattle gun and finish the job. I received a text message that he had been unable to get the screws to bite and therefore would I finish it when I had time. I hadn’t finished the task because the manufacturer had missed drilling holes in two of the 6mm steel plates. Oh to have been a fly on the wall watching the battle as he tried to force wood screws to cut a hole in steel. The bluing on the screw that he left on the floor told a great story.

    He is typical of the education people that Dalrymple speaks of. He keeps all his diaries for seven years in case any thing he did or said is questioned. He is actually a likeable chap but I don’t allow myself to like him as when the SHTF I don’t need his issues as well as whatever else is going on.

    If you have read this far, thanks for letting me rant as it is too cold to go outside and scream at the world.

    • Darin says:

      Thanks for that Bill and please feel free to rant anytime!

      About ten years ago I had the job of fabricating a large stainless steel screen for a piece of test equipment that was being disassembled and shipped over from the UK.The screen was to be about 10 x 15 meters sqaure and made from woven stainless steel mesh.There was a border of angle iron that acted as a clamp to fasten the screen to the machine in question,similar to the way a drum head is fasted to a drum.

      The material had to be custom manufactured for the job and the screen had to be fabricated while the machine was in transit,so we were to work with the dimensions provided by the customer who is a large aircraft engine manufacturer.The woven wire could only be made in 2 meter widths,so the edges of multiple rolls had to be welded together wire after wire to for that large of a sheet,which we did.Or I should say myself and another welder did.Some 15,000 welds,done over four days yielded a nice,flat,new screen.

      When it came time to install it a quick check of the dimensions showed it to be smaller than the opening it was to cover,but it was exactly the sizes called out for on the customer’s drawing.A few phone calls later and it was discovered that whoever had measured in over in the UK had measured to the inside of the clamping angles and not to the outside. :roll:

      I see the same thing everyday,people educated well beyond thier intellect.I work with engineers and project managers that are college grads and several pay grades above me who fail at the simplest task and often fail at what they are being paid to do.Often it is I and others like me that are called on to fix thier fowl ups,but still we are paid far less.

      Then look at the political landscape,our elected betters are often times too dumb to pour piss out of a boot,but yet we elect them to positions that have them making decisions about infrastructure,public health and national defense.

  5. Pascal says:

    Virginia Beach Victim Couldn’t Arm Herself Because of a City Policy. The Shooter Simply Ignored It.

    Ends with the following:

    No policy can ever eliminate evil. But since we know evil is present, it makes the most sense to me to give the good people everywhere the best means with which to combat it.

    • Darin says:

      They want everybody dependent on the government for everything,including personal safety.
      It’s their control mechanism.

  6. Darin says:

    Black Pigeon’s channel was reinstated after massive outcry-

  7. Darin says:

    Trey Gowdy-“The Military has one job-Winning Wars”

    “The Military has one job: Winning War. Anything else is a distraction and a liability. Did someone just scream ‘That isn’t Fair’? War is VERY unfair, there are no exceptions made for being special or challenged or socially wonderful.

    “YOU must change yourself to meet Military standards…..Not the other way around. I say again: You don’t change the Military… you must change yourself. The Military doesn’t need to accommodate anyone with special issues. The Military needs to Win Wars….and keep our Country safe….PERIOD! If any of your personal issues are a liability that detract from readiness or lethality… Thank you for applying and good luck in future endeavors. Who’s next in line?….any other questions?”

    • Pascal says:

      I have applauded Gowdy’s talks many times. He has the knack for putting them together just right. It’s his walks that the thoughtful listener will find troubling and should always keep in mind.
      Gingrich comes to mind. Fantastic tactical politician, but an early caver-in-to watermelon issues.

      • Darin says:

        They both wander off into subjects where they are out of their depth.At which point they do what most people do and go along with the crowd.

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    Another move by the Trump Administration that will make Leftist heads explode

    The part about who funded the Middle East history books is well known but now the Left has to either agree with Trump or back the Islamists.

    • Pascal says:

      That foreign cash laundering ought to lead to putting some skool administrators behind bars. But the swamp….

  9. Michael in Nelson says:

    Giving more opportunities for access to the out-of-doors. Another chance for folks to see how reducing the amount of regulations is beneficial to the average Joe.

  10. Yokel says:

    “But why do Leftists always seek to punish the innocent as well, usually by taking away some right or several rights, all in the name of “justice?”

    That’s what happened in New Zealand, but now police there surely must be regretting that the country dared to allow its citizens to own firearms without making them register their guns in a central, government-controlled database — because it’s becoming nigh on impossible for them to locate and confiscate firearms banned following the Christchurch mosque killings in mid-March.”

    • Darin says:

      As I have told Patriots for years-Never,ever,register your guns and when they come for them anyway,that is your signal to open fire.