Farmers are anything but Dumb

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3 Responses to Farmers are anything but Dumb

  1. PM of NZ says:

    A great video. Now if only houses could be built in a similar manner. Dump a concrete slab, with concrete pins into ground if necessary to anchor building. Bolt some heavy duty galvanised sheets of any desired profile together to form the roof and sides, jack initial ring up to form and add wall height as required. Doesn’t have to be circular foot print. Leave holes for windows, bolt to slab at regular intervals. Insulate and line inside with standardised lightweight sheets. All services through one entry point in outer walls into insulated underfloor area – easily serviced in future. No RMA or building code required to jack up prices, just engineered standard shapes and structure. Dry inside from the day the roof goes on at the first ring. Easily transported and assembled in slow time by Joe Bloggs would be home owner on any site without a handbraking effect by interfering council wallahs looking for their cut.

    • Darin says:

      Get some tools and get cracking! It’s been done before-

    • paul scott says:

      True Fast. You could build a bigger home in units with corridor connections,
      And a similar ventilation system.
      Sorry to say the RMA will catch you no matter what Government. Thanks not John Key for adding a hundred pages to that vile bible.
      I have been holding Geoff Palmer over here in a Klong Toei slum with rats and cockroaches until he repents, but totalitarianism rots their brains right through like a wet tank of soy beans.
      I have more effective suitable endings for Councils rates and RMA but they are violent and highly illegal