Same people who think words are violent…..

Have no problem beating the hell out of people they don’t like-


The video showed Ngo, editor of Quilette, being punched and kicked by masked assailants dressed in black and then being hit by various containers of liquid as he is retreating.

He later live-streamed a video of himself describing the assault. His face is scratched and he has blood on his neck. A police officer is heard interviewing him on the livestream.

“I just got beat up by the crowd, with no police at all, in the middle of the street,” Ngo said during the livestream.

“Where the hell were all of you,” he is heard asking the police officer. He is also heard saying he was assaulted twice earlier in the day, and reported both incidents to the police with no response.

He said he was hit by milkshakes and hit on the back of his head as well.

Warning lefties,just keep poking the Bear and see what happens.

Only three arrested in connection with the attack,and as usual in Portland the police were ordered to stand down.

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7 Responses to Same people who think words are violent…..

  1. Dan says:

    The Portland PD was there…..and did NOTHING because the commies in charge of Portland have ORDERED the PD to do NOTHING to interfere with or punish ANTIFA. Anybody who harms an ANTIFA animal however WILL be assaulted and railroaded into prison by the TOTALLY corrupt DA and judges in commie hellhole Portland.

    • Darin says:

      Nothing short of a revolution followed by a purge will fix that either I am afraid.

      • Heltau says:

        Eradicate, eliminate and exterminate them all.
        It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. mawm says:

    I can’t wait for a bunch of bikers to attend an Antifa disrupted event…..

  3. paul scott says:

    I have asked around. What authority if any does a civilian Mayor have over Police operations. I bet that the code of procedure is to uphold the law,
    Protect and preserve innocent civilian life.
    Like the Google Project Veritas, here the truth about progressive violent, and noxious mind control is now in the public arena.
    People can see the reality for what it is.
    If in Portland, I would take civilian action directly against this Mayor.
    The time for open-mouthed surrender is over.

    • Darin says:

      “If in Portland, I would take civilian action directly against this Mayor.
      The time for open-mouthed surrender is over-.

      The trouble is,there is no one left in Portland to push back.
      The reason why there are few if any people in Portland pushing back,is because the left have turned the place into an absolute sewer.
      They run the streets and they have made it their business to run anyone that disagrees with them out of town,or at minimum forced them into silence.
      They are thugs and as thugs do,they network and dish out payback for anyone that dare to stand up to them.
      Make a stand against the latest lunatic proposal at the city council?Find your tires slashed,or your business vandalised.That’s the way they roll.