A Moral Test

Pay close attention,this is a test that has only one question,but it’s an important one-

Imagine you are an award winning photo-journalist and you are on assignment covering some major flashing flooding in an area experiencing Biblical rainfall.

You are standing by a river that is raging with all the flood water coursing through it.In the torrent of water is every form of debris imaginable,cars,trees,building debris,even houses.

As you watch waiting for that perfect shot,a bus loaded with people comes running down and snaggs on a rock stopping it.

Inside you see that the bus passengers are infact no ordinary passengers.They are all 20 democratic presidential hopefuls.

You realize that you have two choices.One you could throw a rope over to the bus and help them to safety one by one.Or you could ignore their plight and instead get ready to take what will be an award winning picture of a disaster.

Now the question: Do you use high resolution color film,or black and white for that classic
“news reel look”? :mrgreen:


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7 Responses to A Moral Test

  1. decisions, decisions….

  2. paul scott says:

    I would shoot 4K Video at 100 ASA if possible. Frame by frame, nothing could make better pictures than watching the downing and drowning of evil totalitarianism.
    This is an International civil war.

  3. Oswald Bastable says:

    Get upstream and take a leak in the river.

  4. Norman says:

    I would sell tickets.

  5. Are there really only twenty of them? I thought there were more.

    • Darin says:

      It’s hard to tell,the number changes every otherday.I think it has something to do with the furlough days at the DC insane asylum. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif