Commit Treason Against The People:It’s All They Ever Do

Tommy Robinson Jailed Again for Nine Months-

The Sun UK-

“Passing sentence, Dame Victoria Sharp said: ‘We are in no doubt that the custody threshold is crossed in this case, in particular having regard to the common law contempt that the respondent committed.”

Common Law Contempt? Sieg Heil eh Vicki?

Theresa Jong May-

The Daily Mail-

“Mrs May says the warmth shown to her by the public was ‘truly humbling”

Warmth?Must have been the torches and pitchforks after botching up Brexit.


“140 GOP legislators voted for a bill drafted by business groups and Democrats which provides a green card giveaway to 300,000 Indian contract workers and dramatically increases the incentives for more Indian graduates to take college graduate jobs in the US.”

Globalist,open borders assholes the lot of them :evil:


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14 Responses to Commit Treason Against The People:It’s All They Ever Do

  1. Brown says:

    Tommy Robinson may be a tipping point, especially if he is “dies” while in custody. Looking back in history tipping points stand out but at the time, not so much. We live in very interesting times where elite corruption has a global reach and impacts billions of people. I’m not sure that we, as a global population, been at this point before.

    • Pascal says:

      Should he die while in custody, it would finally shred Europe’s rapidly thinning claim to be more civilized due its abolition of the death penalty. A watershed moment indeed Brown.

      • Darin says:

        I believe that would get me on a plane Pascal.

        Heck I would be up for invading and driving the fascists into the channel.

  2. Nemesis says:

    According to Ezra Levant over at Rebel Media, Tommy Robinson will get to serve 66 days with time already served taken into account.


    • Darin says:

      I hope the protests get bigger and bigger and have some staying power.20-30,000 people camped out in the right place does have an effect.

      • Nemesis says:

        As do I Darin. Seems though, that the fascists now in charge of ‘British Justice’ are able to call on youtube, Google, Twitter and a number of other ‘social media’ sites to ban anything at all that has Tommy Robinson or Stephen Lennon as a reference.

        And to think, that nearly 80 years ago, the same ‘British Justice’ took on Hitler and his band of Nazis in refusing to kowtow to Hitler’s demands that he have a free reign in Europe to rid Europe of his hated Jews.

        Those who now rule Britannia, I would suggest, have forgotten their history lessons because their days are now numbered.

        • Darin says:

          I did a post not long ago about it.All the blood and treasure spilled in WWII to bring the third Reich down and now they have rebuilt the thing.

          • Nemesis says:

            I believe you and I are going to have some very interesting ‘conversations’ concerning recent history.

            There is so much to expose!

    • Pascal says:

      Every one of those judges and instep media should be given the Leftist treatment with us charging them all with CLASSISM.

      Certainly in UK, classism is not mentioned in all this by its media, and even only briefly eluded to in Levant’s coverage.

      Make classism the byword of this year. Teach your spell checker to recognize it. Pass it on. There is the ever more emboldened ruling class engaging in classism against the rest of us. And as you all know, I view that tendency to hide a deadliness many more web commentators are finally beginning to recognize.

      • simpleton1 says:

        Sums up “classism” very well.

        classism pictured

      • Nemesis says:

        Pascal, the depth of betrayal by a major part of the British Establishment of those they ought to, through privileged position look out for, is just beginning to be exposed.

        My suggestion would be that the most active in their treasonous actions should be made public examples of – let the British themselves decide their punishment because it is they who have been wronged simply because of who they are.

        Classism would be a good start, but should it apply to the most treacherous, or should other measures, more permanent in its outcome perhaps, be considered as a deterrent, so that what has occurred since the end of the Second World War throughout the West will never occur again?

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    The one thing I never thought I’d see is a valid plea for political asylum to the United States from a British citizen.