M.A.G.A -Make Ardern Go Away!


Also seems to have stirred some controversy-


“When we’ve gone and reviewed this it’s simply been human error,” he told Magic Talk’s Sean Plunket.

“At any one time we have eight million listings, and the people that we have here go and interpret those kinds of things – unfortunately, occasionally, we get it wrong, and this was one instance where we did get it wrong.”

Umkay sure it is :roll:

Hat tip to Gecko for spotting it

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5 Responses to M.A.G.A -Make Ardern Go Away!

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    I’m tempted to buy a hat.

  2. Grog says:

    SO, without knowing how long these accounts have been established, they were in good standing until they started selling the hats, and now, …………

    “”It has nothing to do with the cap and with the political message, it is related to how they have their accounts set up.

    “We’ve spoken with both the members, and provided them with information they need to be able to interact with Trade Me again.””

    Riiiiiiiight http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_unsure.gif

  3. Nemesis says:

    Apparently Ardern’s father, apart from being a police commissioner, was also a Mason above the 33rd Degree.

    I wonder if that would account for Ardern’s position as PM, even though after the last general election in New Zealand, she did not have the numbers on her own to form government?

    • Brown says:

      The election rules we have can allow small parties to run the show as influence can be extended well beyond the actual percentage of the vote gained. Ardern got to be prime minister because a self indulgent politician from another party that polled 7% effectively formed the government. The party with the largest % of the vote was never going to have a sniff because Mr 7% hates some of them. It’s an appalling system called MMP – never vote for it. I continue to be amazed at stats claiming NZ has minimal corruption when many politicians seem to embrace it.

      • Darin says:

        Corruption is a funny thing in that it is counter intuitive.If none has been exposed,it doesn’t mean there isn’t any,on the contrary,it usually means the system is rife with it.
        The larger and more complex the apparatus becomes,the more places corruption finds a place to hide.

        Someone once told me that government is like a brush pile in the middle of an open field.All the critters good and bad take refuge in it,because it’s complexity makes it near impossible for any predator to pick them off.
        My response was we need someone to come along periodically with a bucket of diesel and a road flare to make it less complex.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif