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7 Responses to Blandland

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    What is it with governments worldwide? When some nutcase or criminal gang starts using a certain gun or explosive, the first reaction is to call for a voluntary surrender of said items. What possesses them to think the insane or criminals will hand in their weapons?

    • Pascal says:

      Once one recognizes how many seek government office solely because the power they find at their disposal, the more apparent it is that criminals are the government’s unofficial agents as they provide the power grabbers excuse to do exactly what you are calling out.

      • Grog says:

        And unfortunately, some people who are a waste of good air as you detailed, are alive because it’s illegal to shoot them.

        I doubt Sweden would approve a no bag limit on migrants, anyway.

        “That’s not bland!”

        Darin, this should be considered as the new sub-phrase for the header.

  2. Nemesis says:

    Sweden was, during the Second World War, a very pro -Nazi country. Much of the Swedish export trade went direct to Nazi Germany – and still does – which in today’s terms means BIG business benefits from nearly one hundred years of trade with Germany based on what the owners of those businesses are able to procure, produce, manufacture, and then export for financial and POLITICAL gain.

    And what many do not realize, is that with ‘free trade’ comes political advantages for the corporations – that are now non-national aligned- and that push such an agenda, but more specifically, to control the politician who is bribed to fit in with what the corporation desires.

    Hence the veto by Trump of all the ‘free trade’ agreements, and especially those agreements with Canada and Mexico.

    American author, Jim Marrs, also an investigative journalist, when journalism was still considered as authentic journalism, wrote a book titled, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, that exposed an agenda of world control via a series of ‘imposed through stealthy means’ the enslavement of the West via mass third world immigration.

    Sweden has been at the forefront of that agenda even before the end of the second world war, and will be the first European nation to fall into that agenda, known as the ‘third way’ unless the native Swedes wake up in time to avert such an imposed national suicide, a suicide that is reflected in having children dictate how a future Sweden should be known as.

    • Darin says:

      Before Trump won,people asked me what the scariest thing about a HRC presidency would be besides the usual.

      My answer?A quote from a speech she gave to a banking and finance conference in Brasil-
      “I believe in a world were open borders and open markets are the norm and corporations control the populous,because corporations can do things many times that elected governments can’t”

      In other words,corporations aren’t constrained by any Constitution or Bill of Rights and are in fact ran like dictatorships.Even though she wasn’t elected,that plan marches on and corporations like Google continue to turn the internet into one massive re-education camp.Meanwhile other corporations attack normalcy in our physical lives by pushing their “wokeness” on us and outright penalizing us if we dare disobey.

      • Pascal says:

        Corporatism. It operates much like Mussolini’s fascism but with a different label.

        When I shifted from the soviet-style media label to the Corporate Media label it was not because its behavior had changed significantly. It was because it was now far more apparent that what you just said was why media is so rigidly pushing nonsense. The more the public is left fighting over nonsense the more time the corporatists have to cement control having confounded much of the potential opposition — its subjects.

        Very few in the West remain armed. In those that are, media sows dissension so it subjects use their arms against each other. For this reason nobody can know when those like us will lose contact with each other through this medium.