Better be careful Epstein….

I hear Arkancide is mighty contagious.

Daily Caller-

“The Manhattan financier was found laying semi-conscious in a fetal position with marks on his neck Wednesday in his Metropolitan Correctional Center cell, two sources toldĀ NBC New York.”

Probably while standing flat footed on the floor and from behind too….

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5 Responses to Better be careful Epstein….

  1. Dan says:

    The FBI agent specializing in financial crimes who was part of the investigation into the Clinton Foundation committed “suicide” in a crowded nightclub a couple days ago and now Epstein barely dodges an early trip to hell. The Clinton Crime Cabal has been very busy arranging these “suicides” recently.

    • Nemesis says:

      Some info is coming out that Epstein may have done the injury to himself to get himself moved to another prison, and/or, another inmate got at him for whatever reason.

      Special prosecutor Huber has all the oil on the Clintons and has been working with Charles Ortel who first exposed the Clinton Foundation some years back.

      Keep your ears open for the Clintons and their suicide, or the one way trip to Gitmo.

  2. Alan Hancox says:

    Coincidental? Maybe. An evil couple though, for sure.

  3. paul scott says:

    I did not know about the new Clinton suicide, Does anyone have a full count of the Arkancide figures.
    I liken Hillary Clinton to Caligula, but that may be a little harsh on Caligula.
    When I hear the never Trump people snapping and yapping I always wonder if they know anything about the psychopathology of the Clintons at all.

  4. paul scott says:

    Charles Ortel mentioned by Nemesis above has a regular Sunday talk with Jason Goodman on Crowsourcethetruth. Ortel is fascinating to listen to, the fundamental program is to show the public that the Clinton Foundation is the biggest Trust fraud ever perpetrated.
    The shows are over an hour each week, and you can listen while doing something else. Charles Ortel is well worth hearing on mainly financial matters.
    I subscribe.