Open House 7/26/19

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45 Responses to Open House 7/26/19

  1. Darin says:

    R.I.P. Rutger Hauer,a very underrated actor IMO.

    • Darin says:

      All that evidence and I doubt anyone will ever go to jail over any of it.

      • Grog says:

        Agreed, unless Pres. Trump still has an ace up his sleeve.

      • Nemesis says:

        Not according to ‘Q’ Darin. So far there have been gathered within the DOJ, over 140,000 sealed indictments, many with some very BIG names on the list, including, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, the Clintons and Comey, to name just a few.

        The military trials at Gitmo are to be broadcast for those who wish to tune in, and will be directed by Generals Kelly and Mattis.

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          Nemesis, sorry but the names involved as either a defendant or trial director make it sound like a false report. I just do not thing Kelly and Mattis would be involved or that they have enough to drag Obama in yet.

          • Nemesis says:

            Are you aware of ‘Q’?

            I have no doubt of which I wrote.

            • Pascal says:

              Never heard of Q.

              • Darin says:

                Q anon,the guy,group etc,that keeps saying Trump is secretly waiting to spring a trap on all the baddies that tried to frame him up.

                I don’t know if he/they are legit,or a propaganda tool or what.

              • Nemesis says:

                Military Intelligence is ‘Q’ and ‘Q+’ is POTUS.

                ‘Qanons’ are those who are able to unravel the secrets of Gematrics and who can predict certain outcomes from their deciphering of such code as used by ‘Q’ and ‘Q+’

                I am not a ‘Qanon’ – I’m just along for the show.

                I’ve been an avid fan since ‘Q’ first made its appearance back in October, 2017. Everything that ‘Q’ states and the ‘Qanons’ unravel, eventually comes true.

                Future proves past.

                Pascal, I believe I have stated this to you previously – Trump is a God send – and of that, I have no doubt.

                • Pascal says:

                  Thanks Neme. So now I went to check up on what is meant by Gematrics. A form of numerology? Isn’t that a bit like astrology, but tied to biblical Hebrew? As I recall, in Genesis, God tells Abram to put aside his faith in that sort of thing even as He then changes Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s name to Sarah, thereby (allegedly) making it possible for them to beget Isaac (because of the altered numerical values for both names.) The lesson being that God could do such things but we should not, nor put value in fatalistic things such as that.

                  In other words, the faithful are not supposed to see ourselves ruled by fate but work with His help to alter what fate merely appears to insist upon.

                  I have been in the dark about all the prediction you are reporting you’ve seen pan out. So I have a question for you. Is it possible that Qanon is a psyops of the intelligence community itself? If Q has access to the secrets you say he based his predictions upon, there surely is an algorithm that would strip away his anonymity by now.

                  I see that as a possibility because charlatans (necromancers) of the past would read things like chicken entrails to tell their followers that the king had done good or bad (and usually good.) Having some clues ahead of time allowed the charlatans to know what to predict. Just saying is all Neme.

                  Skepticism tends to be rewarding even if it sometimes means the skeptic won’t be first to know of the latest gold strike. (That’s a reference to the gold rush days when rubes would fall for the salted mine trick.)

                • I’m with you Pasc.
                  I thought you knew of Q though.
                  It’s something I ignore.
                  Anonymous sources?
                  How do we know it’s always Q?

                • Pascal says:

                  Please fill me in more about Q or Qanon or whatever. Perhaps I’ve been ignoring it (him, her?) for too long. Like where does the info turn up? And as you say, how do we know it’s always the same source?

        • Nemesis says:

          Pascal – no salt mine tricks with ‘Q’- Gematrics is also used by Satan and how the Dark Force operates, ‘Q’ is simply using their own system of code against them. ‘Q’ is read by those (our enemy) who do not want Trump to succeed in his mission. That is why there has been a concerted effort by the establishment media to discredit ‘Q’ and ‘Qanons, and why ‘Q’ advertises the plans well in advance before putting them into action – it throws the Globalists off balance.

          Numbers are God’s law, but the Dark Force co-opted Gods’ law for their own agenda against this planet and humanity, and have done so since the Great Flood.

          Hence the need for secret societies and organized religions and the real reasoning behind the killing of Christ.

          The beauty of ‘Q’ is that pre-warning of an event without dates or times, throws the enemy off – therefore – ‘Q’ is not a psy-op, as everything revealed since October, 2017, has come to pass and to the enemy’s disadvantage.

          Those who ‘follow’ ‘Q’ have gained much knowledge previously hidden from humanity, and some of it is very dark indeed. It has been stated that this is the first instance at any time, or any place within this world, that any leader has provided up to date ‘intelligence’ and operational planning to the ordinary citizen, and as a means to educate, so that the educated can then assist those who are still asleep to the reality of this world when the time is upon us all to awaken.

        • Nemesis says:

          As I have mentioned previously, ‘Q’ is military intelligence. And as military intelligence, it is not run by any one individual. ‘Q’ is a hand picked team of men and women from all of the armed services who were present with POTUS in early October, 2017, at the White House, when POTUS announced to the establishment media to prepare for the ‘coming storm’.

          One ‘sharp’ reporter then called out, “What storm are you referring to, Mr. President?”

          To which POTUS replied, “Oh, you’ll find out!”

          So, ‘Q’ is a dedicated team of individuals not just one entity, but a team who are all accountable under military law, and unlike the alphabet soup of civilian intelligence agencies that have been proven corrupt and now act as enemies against POTUS, ‘Q’ personifies the American Patriot in every way possible.

          Future Proves Past, is a ‘Q’ phrase often quoted, and verifies the reliability of ‘Q’ information by giving the follower a plan of future action that when it eventuates, some weeks, or even months down the road, ‘Q’ will remind the follower that the ‘event’ now being witnessed was forecast weeks or months previously by identifying the post as numbered. Every ‘Q’ post is dated and numbered, and can be recorded, that is how ‘Q’ is verified as reliable.

          WWG1WGA (Where We Go One We Go All) a favorite saying of President Kennedy – often quoted by ‘Q’.

          President Kennedy was a true American Patriot whose life was cut short by the Globalist/Deep State cabal because he was willing to expose them all to the world.

          Now Trump is destroying them all!

          There are many sites devoted to the ‘Great Awakening’ that ‘Q’ has put into action. Here are some you may wish to visit – Serial Brain 2 – Truth and Art TV – Just Informed – Red Pill 78 – Tracey Beanz – Spaceshot76 – and the list becomes almost endless once one begins to listen to any of them.

          Steve Motley, retired Marine, has a site that provides a quick learning curve for those who wish to bring themselves up to date on the phenomenon that is ‘Q’ by going to this site –

          But be warned, if you venture down the rabbit hole you will not be able to forget what you will learn, and some of what you will learn is very dark indeed!

          As ‘Q’ states – the choice will always be yours to make – enjoy the show!

          • Darin says:

            Something could indeed be ready to drop this week-


            • Nemesis says:

              Thanks for that link Darin. I think what many cannot comprehend, is that this ‘drop’ of documents are not for public viewing, as in any normal sense, and they would remain classified if not for the extraordinary circumstances (an attempted coup d’tat) that must be exposed to the general population – and to the wider world.

              We live in historic times, and things will become known that many will simply not be able to handle.

          • Pascal says:

            Thanks for filling me in with that. At least that is not directly related to mysticism.

            However, Mystical is the way The Hill headlined this story about Mifsud,

            Given your confidence in Q, what have you seen on him released by them that is not being discussed openly?

            –Thanks to Ed Bonderenka for the link.

            • Nemesis says:

              Joseph Mifsud was employed by Italian intelligence – there has been some fallout recently in Italy with the head of Italian Intelligence, and a few others, being forced to resign by the new Italian premier. Italy, prior to the election of Salvini, was very much in with the EU and was just one of several countries whose ‘intelligence’ services were put to use against Trump.

              You need to understand just how deep the Deep State really goes. Remember the long march through Western institutions?

              Mifsud gave ‘evidence’ against Trump to Fusion GP (Clinton payroll) who then arranged for the FISA abuse through Bruce Or and his wife Nelly, while Australian High Commissioner (Ambassador) to London, Alexander Downer, gave ‘evidence’ against Trump to George Papadopulous, who was acting on behalf of the Trump campaign.

              Clear as mud?

              In a nutshell – it was Mifsud’s ‘evidence’ that John Brennan (CIA Dir) arranged, and Downer’s mission to spread that ‘evidence’ to anyone silly enough to believe it. One needs to take into account that there has been much grasping of straws by the Globalist/Deep state ever since Trump announced his intention to run for office back in 2014.

              They’re absolutely desperate to be rid of him because their view of how this world should work is rapidly collapsing down around them.

              So, grab your popcorn and enjoy the show

  2. Bill the Bunyip says:

    I was sent the link to this site by a friend who knows my dislike of websites forcing me to accept cookies.
    So next time you are presented with half a page demanding you accept cookies to continue simply copy the url, open outline, paste the url and away you go. It will disable videos in some instances and probably does other stuff as well. Who knows it might even be the Russians behind it all and they are trying to influence my next election choice!!

  3. Trump attacks majority-black district represented by critic (Elijah Cummings)

    Bernie Sanders agrees:

  4. Darin says:

    Tesla owners,used to getting free stuff from the taxpayers,so why not directly?

    I would have called a cement truck :twisted:

  5. Grog says:

    Apparently you weren’t reading here earlier this month.

    Yes, KG has passed on.

  6. Yokel says:

    I was looking for some free fonts today. Some of the fonts I was looking at were prefixed with KG, which pricked my ears up a bit. I didn’t know KG used to design fonts, then I found out that the designer’s name is Kimberly Geswein (and she prefixes most of her font names with KG) so I knew it wasn’t our recently departed leader. Nevertheless a couple of the font names made me chuckle: KG Party on the Rooftop ( ), and KG Already Home ( ). Both seem appropriate.

  7. Bill the Bunyip says:

    I tried posting this before but it disappeared into ??
    I loathe being forced to accept cookies on some sites, particularly those of the MSM.
    So when I found “outline dot com” I became a happy Bunyip again.
    Some videos get stopped and the odd page gets a tad messy but no cookies tracking or whatever else they are doing.
    Paste the url into the above and give it a go.