Open House 8/2/19

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42 Responses to Open House 8/2/19

    • Nemesis says:

      Yeah, 10 billion worth of broke! And according to the fruitcake who thought such a campaign would actually win him some recognition, it was all worth it, as the company he represents goes down the gurgler!

      Just goes to show how some will unhesitatingly use other people’s money for their own stupidity.

      Personally speaking, I would like to present him with a broken nose, just to show how woke I am!

      • Darin says:

        That is the one gripe I have with corporate structuring.The CEO’S and CFO’s have no skin in the game.So if they run the company into the ground it’s no sweat to them,not their money.

        Personally I think the shareholders should get together in a class action and sue that Turkey.

        • Nemesis says:

          Darin, you may wish to look at this site in regard to how corporations control and influence us freedom loving folk:

          It is put up by Justinian Deception and titled -Corporation-Soul. They have a number of other videos up that highlight how words are being used to keep us all under control, especially concerning Admiralty Law which is international in scope.

          The whole thing is a huge learning curve but well worth the visit if one wishes to understand how this world’s controllers use language against us

          • Darin says:

            Link doesn’t work

          • Pascal says:

            here’s the correct link

            I’m about to watch it now.

            Update: You’re gonna have to interpret that for me Neme.

            • Nemesis says:

              Thanks for that correction Pascal – all I did was copy what was given?

              Waiting to interpret

            • Nemises says:

              Corporate Law is akin to Admiralty Law – in fact, one (Corporate Law) exercises its influence over nation states while the other influences its control over all the world’s oceans.

              These Laws are for the elite to control the rest of us – there is in reality two tiers of Justice, just like nearly everyone now realizes.

              The Elite control political parties, monarchies and all of our current institutions, including the Justice Dept.

              You could find that out for yourself by going over all the videos that Justinian Deception has put out – it is a HUGE learning curve.

  1. Grog says:

    There was a shooting in El Paso earlier today at a Wally World.

    It has been reported that the shooter posted something online before he mourdered these people. He’s probably one of those antifa punks.

    • Darin says:

      Yup,I smell a rat

    • mawm says:

      You’ll probably never be allowed to read his “manifesto” because he doesn’t fit the bill.

      • Grog says:

        It appears he was “not happy with the hispanic invasion of texas.”

        False flag.

        • Nemesis says:

          False Flag yes. Deep State’s signature all over it.

          • Nemesis says:

            Brown – if you wish to get a handle on single shooter, or even multiple shooter false flag events, you need to delve into the CIA’s MK ULTRA experiments.

            MK ULTRA grew directly out of all those Nazi mind experiments carried out by SS ‘doctors’ on selected ‘inmates’ in the death camps during WW2, the secrets of which went to the U.S., with those captured ‘doctors’ under Operation Paperclip.

            Tarrant’s manifesto is much the same as Anders Breivik’s manifesto (Norway shooter) a Nazi inspired rant that the mockingbird media like to label as being of right wing origin when nothing could be further from the truth.

        • Brown says:

          Being in the dark I have no opinion on any of this but did note the name (?) Tarrant. Is that and the manifesto any link to that Australian loser that murdered a whole lot of Muslims in Christchurch NZ? His manifesto was promptly banned by the NZ government and taken down before I could do more than glance at it but from what I heard it was not a far right rant despite the lefties wishing it were so.

        • Pascal says:

          here’s a contradictory interview of the official ‘news’

          • Nemesis says:

            Check out Lori Colley on Youtube (El Paso Mass Shooting) – for a well explained event that keeps on changing the narrative, just as they all have done.

        • mawm says:

          Nor with either political party or big business. He references the Christchurch killer, but I wouldn’t know what was in his manifesto as I’m not big enough to be allowed to read it yet according to someone half my age.

    • Victor says:

      Friends, The El Paso Walmart shooting story is a bullshit false flag story –
      We watched it unfold from the club house from a multiple shooters with eye witnesses to the story of the lone gunman with manifesto and online writings… twenty minutes of terror… bullshit – show my footage from the stores security cameras – and those stores are full of security cameras and all we have seen is from the national networks is cell phone video from the ground… inside – and parking lot scenes… in El Paso – I call bullshit – I saw a picture of a pile of shoes in the parking lot this morning – what the F*** is that supposed to be…

      But conspiracy theories now make you a terrorist in the USA folks so try not to connect too many dots and ask the wrong questions…

      • Victor says:

        The picture of the pile of shoes were from a Daytona shooting – but it still makes no sense to me – where nine were killed…?

        I can’t keep track

        • Darin says:

          The pile of shoes was the shooting in Dayton,Ohio,still doesn’t make any sense though.

  2. Darin says:

    Finally some justice for Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher-

  3. Grog says:

    Darin, looks like we have a troll.

    • mawm says:

      F**k me! Changed from a Dem to a Rep, become an Evangelical, worked on the Trump campaign, became a Qanon conspiracy theorist and an incel – all after his arrest!

    • Grog says:

      As to be expected, to “steer the narrative”, can’t allow too many people to know what really happened, that wouldn’t be good for “the plan.”

  4. Nemesis says:

    Idiot! We’re all given a one ticket, even fools like you!

    • Grog says:

      Maybe this is Bernie “The Socialist” Sanders trying to be anonamouse.

      Whoever you are, troll, go suck a dick.

      • Darin says:

        There have been a few vermin showing up lately,must be the height of fuckwit season.

        • Grog says:

          Could be the antifa, looking for an argument.

          They’re in the wrong place for that, if it is them, which they will learn soon enough.

        • Nemesis says:

          My apology Darin for that retort against the simpleton Andy Pandy.(my take) And I do hope that Andy the idiot, got to see my reply.

          In my old age, I have grown too intolerant of those ‘useful idiots’ like Andy, and for good reason because they seem incapable of thinking for themselves while they willingly rely on being spoon fed their socialist lies that pose a clear and present danger to the rest of us who can think. They either refuse to look back over the deadly history of Socialism in the 20th Century, and the misery that such sweet lies have caused to so many people, and countries, or are so stupid, that even God’s TRUTH would be actively ignored.

          So, in such a state of affairs that we now find ourselves in, that then leaves open the only remedy for their irreparable waywardness, and that remedy, I would suggest, is uppermost in all Patriots minds.

          Most of these folk are irredeemably dangerous to the rest of us!

  5. Nemesis says:

    Andy – there is only thing worse than the White, drunk, wife bashing male, and that is a White gun toting red neck out to rid the world of vermin like you!

    We all know what’s coming, we figured that out decades ago, probably even before idiots like you were even born!