Mexico Vows Legal Action After El Paso Shooting

 “The president has instructed me to ensure that Mexico’s indignation translates into … efficient, prompt, expeditious and forceful legal actions for Mexico to take a role and demand that conditions are established that protect … Mexicans in the United States,” Ebrard said in a video posted on Twitter.

Ebrard called Saturday’s shooting an “act of barbarism.”


So,what about all the victims of crimes committed by Mexican national against US citizens?Should the US government seek legal action against Mexico for that?

And what “conditions” would you be referring to?You mean the same ones you have in Mexico?Unless Ciudad Juarez,the Mexican city just across the river from El Paso, has changed radically,we want no part of that.

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6 Responses to Mexico Vows Legal Action After El Paso Shooting

  1. Nemesis says:

    Mexico is a failed country – the whole joint is lawless. And the Mexican’s export to the United States in the form of drugs, human trafficking and criminal gangs, (MS13) pales into the background when one considers what Mexican immigrants are now getting up to in Texas, Arizona, Nevada and California via their political La Raza ideology – the taking back of lands within the U.S. that they believe is theirs.

    Ever since the defeat of Santa Ana’s army Mexico has presented nothing but trouble to those Americans on the southern border while being engaged with the Globalist/Deep state cabal in bringing down the economy of the United States, to what Mexico and the Globalists believe, would be more of a ‘level playing field’.

    Trump tore up those ‘free trade agreements’ with both Canada and Mexico, and for good reason. The wall on the southern border is being built to exclude the undesirable human aspect and to stop the criminality that has seen American society suffer through drugs, human trafficking, and the reintroduction of communicable diseases, that once upon a time, had been mostly eliminated.

    Those who scream the loudest when challenged on their demands, or opinions, are generally those who have much to hide, and who when confronted, resort to the ‘racist card’ or to projecting their own criminality or ‘victim hood’ onto those who challenge them.

    Trump said that Mexico would pay for the ‘wall’ on the southern border and Mexico is now finding out that Trump is a man of his word. Mexico has lost the most by Trump withdrawing from NAFTA and it is the turn of the Mexican’s to be hurting economically.

    • Darin says:

      I know quite a few Mexican immigrants,legal ones that did the hard work it takes to come here and do it right.They are some of the finest people I know,like Victor says,the only Mexicans that come here illegally are usually lazy or just up to no good.There is a strong Mexican middle class,I’ve seen quite a few plants in and around some of the manufacturing hubs and really it’s hard to tell them apart for anywhere in the west.

      Currently and really for the last two decades the problem has been with the OTM’s. There are literally people from every country on Earth coming into the US across that border and most of them are looking for a free ride.

      NAFTA had one purpose and one purpose only-to destroy the American manufacturing base.It decimated timber,cotton,textile and paper production and all of the support industries that supplied them.That was all Clinton’s doing,which is why I said then and still say now that they are Soviet agents.

  2. Victor says:

    I travel a lot – but my main hub is Juarez and El Paso – I go back and forth regularly… I was born in Juarez – trust me when I tell you all that, even though there are very nice places in the city of Juarez with many decent people, it is still a shit hole and it does get violent (drug wars and the flesh trade… and just general ass-holes), but El Paso has the same problem.

    At the moment in Juarez the problem is the central Americans – they have brought more crime with them:

    In Juarez we have enough to worry about with our resident criminals but now we have to worry about the foreigners – I have had confrontations crossing the bridge into the US – I push my way through because I am a citizen… and if I have to push my way through to get back into Mexico I will – because I am a citizen. Though things sometimes get tough in this city the best way to get by is to adapt the grey man philosophy – don’t show off what you have, mind your own business, don’t act important… and don’t be loud and attract attention to yourself – (here you don’t see people looking down at their phones, you have to be aware of what is happening around you) – You may find it interesting that currently there are many Americans residing in Juarez (and all over Mexico – many of which are themselves illegal residents), they are here mostly because of economic reasons – it is cheaper than El Paso, they work in Texas and sleep in Juarez, there are many retired people here as well – mostly men, mostly veterans of the military – conservative types… not too many liberal, leftist, socialist Americans here – wonder why that is (he says sarcastically).

    Now, I always say this but no-one is listening – though the Mexicans all know this – stop giving people a reason to come to the states and they will stop – you have to give them a reason not to want to come… but when they get here and they settle in – with their welfare checks and government housing and they start hustling out in the street the way they would back home… they don’t concern themselves with licenses and permits – because they weren’t needed back home and in America the foreigners get a slap on the hand as opposed to the Citizen that gets thrown in jail… the left has you afraid to prosecute the criminals because you do not want to be called a racist or a NAZI – and the way I see it, all comes down to fear of the regular Joe American who does not want to make waves and rock the boat just to keep his job… as long as he has one… stop giving people a reason to come to the States… you know in Mexico there are some very nice place… were you don’t want to go and start shit – the people will beat the stupid out of you or kill you – these are nice places with good people that have taken matters into their own hands – in some cases the government had to step in because they were killing too many drug runners coming through their towns.

    The average Mexican has no desire to go the the United States – they are the ones that make the country great – they are just like the average American… As for the NAFTA thing – a lot of people make it sound like the Mexican was getting something better than what it was – a job in a factory – the ones profiting from NAFTA in Mexico where mostly foreign owned corporations, many of which are American and Chinese… but if we loose work in Mexico the strong and the smart will survive – they will create work or go to another company that will hire them… the lazy and the greedy and the criminally minded will make their way up North… we don’t want them in Mexico and we don’t want them in the US… instead of building a wall, let’s build a corridor to Canada and let them have ’em… go fund me page coming soon… just kidding… maybe.

    Avoid these shit holes in America:

    • Nemises says:

      Victor – you have presented a very detailed and well thought out comment regarding your experience.

      I guess the main problem within all countries is government and the way government is run. I am aware of many Americans (anglo’s) who live in Mexico, some are good writers of blogs that are worth reading and have their own take on why they left the U.S. for Mexico – the reasons are many and varied – personally though, I have always been of the opinion that if one believes that their country’s government is not living up to how a well run and empathetic government should be run, then one should stick around and begin changing government through peaceful and democratic means, not scoot off to another country and complain about it.

      I am also aware of many, many stories coming out of Mexico concerning the vigilantes in various towns who take it upon themselves to action law and order because the local police are just too corrupt to be trusted – there have been many lynchings of those who have fallen afoul of these vigilantes – and I commend the vigilantes for doing what their paid, but corrupt police force should be doing.

      Across this planet there are many good people who basically just want to be left alone to live the way they wish to live, unfortunately, there are also those who just cannot leave them alone, and many of them are in authoritative positions to be able to enact their brand of how those they get to lord it over should live.

      Generally speaking, that kind of authoritarianism is what causes the problems in the first place, and is such a problem we now recognize and now act on, to do something about changing it.

      And change is coming.

  3. Victor says:

    I agree with everything you just said… but the problem is not just the government – it is also the people – weak men specifically

    And those men that just want to be left alone… well sir, I am one of them… and I have a feeling (at least on my part), that if and when a fight comes, those men that just want to be left alone will push back with everything they got – those men, I am sure are like me – they have gone hard right… the left will never leave you alone even if they were to get all they wanted they would never be satisfied – such is their greed…so one has to choose the side that will let him be alone… and that, as I keep telling people that don’t listen, is the hard right side… good luck.

    • Darin says: My Brother,when the time comes,it will be good men that act and save humanity from the Abyss or die trying.