Stones and Glass Houses

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15 Responses to Stones and Glass Houses

  1. Nemesis says:

    Firearms have been with us for hundreds of years, yet it is only since the 1960s that the mass murder of the citizenry by firearm started to become a common occurrence, and specifically in those countries that have large citizen firearm ownership.

    So what has occurred to give rise to such a destructive phenomena?

    And not just in the United States, but throughout the entire West?

    Is there an organized and deliberate agenda behind these murderous incidents, and if so, what is that agenda? Or, are these massacres really caused by the radicals among us who act out their fantasy on their own volition?

    • mawm says:

      Most of the perpetrators have been on psychotropic drugs – from ritalin to prozac. These drugs alter the way the brain works and the alterations are not all about the effect that is required. Endogenous neurotransmitters work on receptors in multiple parts of the brain. There are many minor variations in the receptor sites making them very specific to stimulation/inhibition by a single molecule and not just a family of molecules, so that using an SSRI, even a highly selective SSRI, triggers all these receptor sites and not only those targeted. The effects are enormous and varied and most often lead to permanent moulding of the brain function. Add to this the unnatural environment of some of these perpetrators and you have a total disconnect from reality. Trump is right – these people need to be identified and managed.

      • Nemesis says:

        mawm – you’ve identified the underlying cause for such ‘radicalism’ that the establishment media refuse to expose – have you ever wondered why such an underlying cause of such radicalism would be kept away from public knowledge?

        • Darin says:

          And another well kept secret about SSRI’s is the off the charts suicide rate.Many more people off themselves rather than go on a homicidal rampage.

        • mawm says:

          I don’t agree that they cause radicalism – any number of things can, but Big Pharma makes billions off SSRI’s as kids are put onto them not only for depression but for anything from anxiety to not fitting in with their friends, and never seem to come off them (which in itself can be a nightmare).

          Darin – the high suicide rate is well known but patients are never informed of it when they go on them. I’ve lost 3 friends and colleagues this way.

          • Darin says:

            I would wager that drugs like Ritalin being used in schools has a lot to do with the war on men and boys.

    • Victor says:

      Here’s a crazy theory for you all – I did not want to post it here but if you want to go down this rabbit hole… have a strong drink first…

      • Darin says:

        It’s not so far fetched.Especially if we consider all the things our supposed democratically elected governments have done to us over the years.

    • Brown says:

      Theo Spark has a pic montage today of the shooters. Its potentially telling and the reasons for the lack of self control may be related to the decline of the old fashioned family unit and the welfare that encouraged it. It would be racist to point out another feature of the montage but that feature is particularly impacted by single parenthood. There is a natural order of things that works best for us and as we increasingly treat that order with contempt there will be consequences.