Saying What Needs to Be Said

New legal challenge against the Boy Scouts-

Daily Caller-

WASHINGTON – Lawyers representing Boy Scout sexual abuse victims called on Congress to act in a Washington, D.C., Tuesday press conference.

The Abused in Scouting (AIS) legal team announced their first case filed against the Boy Scouts of America at a Washington, D.C., press conference, claiming that there has been thus far no Congressional oversight involved in the massive sex abuse scandal within the Boy Scouts.

Okay,so none of this is news,just like it’s not news that there is a problem in the Priesthood.The problem is no one has really mentioned what the root cause of that problem is.

The article goes on-

“This kind of abuse dwarves what we have seen in the Catholic Church cases,” Kosnoff told reporters.Kosnoff also explained that the distribution of sexual abuse allegations pretty much corresponds to the populations. “You will see more files in states with bigger populations,” Kosnoff said, adding that they have not received allegations from North or South Dakota. Kosnoff said that they have received a large number of allegations from California, Texas, and Florida – states with the largest populations, and from  North Carolina.”

Again this doesn’t surprise me,but still no mention of the problem.Years ago I took flak from some of my more gullible co-workers when the issue of allowing openly gay scout masters into the Scouts first came up.I was told the usual stuff “not all gays are bad,some are good parents etc,etc,etc blah,blah,blah.

And while some of that may in fact be true(good people do come in all forms)It is a fact of nature that predators go where the most prey is.So my stance was at the time and still is today that allowing openly Gay scout masters was not only letting the Fox guard the chicken coop,but making them a bed inside and feeding them.

My liberal friends( yes I have a few) nearly always drag up the Catholic church abuse cases when this topic comes up.The easiest way to put them in place is to call it what it is-abuse by homosexual pedophiles operating in the RCC.

It always gets the same response,shock and horror that I even say such as that.Even though it is the factual description,if you are male and sexually abusing boys under your care,then you are by definition, a homosexual pedophile.

And while I am sure there are those that are making false claims in order to defame or destroy the institutions in question and also those who will make claims hoping for a cash settlement.We can be pretty sure that the majority will be factual claims of abuse.

We can be sure of this,because sometimes where there is smoke there really is a fire.And the fact that so much of this has been covered up over the years means that some in leadership in these organizations are either naive,or are actively engaging in it themselves.

And also,if you are reading this and you are charged with the responsibility of supervising or instructing youngsters.If you have abuse reported to you by one of those children in your care,it is your moral duty to investigate those claims and if it is true report the abuse to the proper authorities.

There are people I grew up with that suffered abuse at the hands of adults who were supposed to be watching out for them.They have lived very difficult lives filled with guilt,attempting to drown out the pain with alcohol,drugs and sometimes suicide.Please,for all that is right and decent,do the right thing.

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7 Responses to Saying What Needs to Be Said

  1. Nemesis says:

    You’ll get no argument from me Darin concerning the infiltration of all learning and religious institutions by homosexual child molester predators, who have been aided and abetted by those within sections of the government itself.

    Obama administration pushed this ’cause’ and very aggressively, which follows very closely the Communist Manifesto, and the so called, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a work, that in my opinion, is a red herring put in place as a dog whistle to detract from the Communist long march through all of our institutions.

    The commies have been very successful, haven’t they!

    • Darin says:

      I assume you are familiar with this group?

      Near the bottom of the page is a telling sentence-

      “The current generation of Critical Theorists, unlike previous generations, is led by women, such as Nancy Fraser, Seyla Benhabib and Agnes Heller:”

      Also,there is The New School in NYC-

      Now my current boss was born and raised in NYC.He attended CCNY,or Community College New York in the early 50’s.There was one class he had to take to get his engineering degree,but it wasn’t offered at CCNY.For that class he had to attend it at the New School.
      Keep in mind this was at the height of the Red scare.He went to the classes,which weren’t many,but while he was there he went to the cafeteria to eat lunch.On the first day he was stunned by what he saw.
      There,on the wall,in all it’s glory,was a huge mural of Marx,Lenin and Stalin in heroic pose.It didn’t take him long to realize that the place was not only infested with Marxists,it was also established by Marxists.
      Also remember,the Manhattan Project,at the time the most highly classified defense project of WWII was thoroughly infiltrated with Communist spies.

      • Nemesis says:

        There is a reason for why the female is selected as a ‘voice’ within those pursuits designed to bring down the established order – the female vote – because females in a general sense think on their emotions and put logic in the back seat – it is one of those differences between the male and female of the human species, and that has been identified as a psychological and biological difference, and never the twain shall meet.

        The granting of the female’s right to participate in a democracy by voting was one of the Marxist’s greatest accomplishments because another contest for the political vote evolved based on emotion versus logic, and that was intended to make a 50/50 contest to see who the winner would be in any election, the logical or the emotional, the bleeding heart or the Conservative, the Democrat or the Republican.

        What was once a natural recognition of the biological differences between both genders, has been deliberately made to be forgotten, and then glossed over as an irrelevance, by those on the Dark side who know only too well how to employ the useful idiots for their cause. Women will be tasked with the aiding and abetting of such a cause, but it will nearly always be the male who will take control once the revolution or task, has been accomplished, and the women who assisted in such a ‘grandiose revolution’ will always be given their due, but then will be told to stay in their place.

        Personally speaking, there is a reason for why women in general do not make good leaders – and history proves my point.

        I have searched my mind, but can find no reference to any female being completely in charge of any Communist country.

  2. Pascal says:

    I used to contribute annually to the boyscouts and salvation army. Ceased after they caved to the demands from the Sinister. From what you’re revealing, the ones who held out the longest were old school and died off so that the few who remained could shed their disguises. Is that it? Or was it even more deeply compromised long ago?

    • Nemesis says:

      Remember Senator Joseph McCarthy and his Communist hunt? I refuse to call it a witch hunt because it can be now proven that McCarthy knew exactly what he was attacking – Hollywood and its Communist connections that went all the way into Congress.

      But poor Joe was not fully informed to the extent to which he would need to go to fully unmask the whole agenda, and alas, Joe McCarthy was therefore unsuccessful in his pursuit of those who were part of the Long March through the Institutions , but Mao’s Communist Long March through China was highly successful, and has many reflections in what has overtaken the West.

      Secret Societies – the one’s that JFK warned us all about and that got him killed – have been used as a general headquarters in the Long March throughout the West.

      There are two tiers to nearly every secret society – the open face available to public viewing and that generally poses for the public good, while the closed face is hidden, and only available to those who have been initiated into the black arts, but they are still one and the same secret society, only those kept at the open public face will never become initiated because they do not ‘pass’ the test that the hidden face requires of them. Masonry’s 33rd Degree level is a prime example of the division of Masonry into two faces – a lower public good face and an upper hidden and secret aspect that only those initiated at the 33rd Degree know of and can partake in.

      Our enemy has been hidden in plain sight all along and for thousands of years.

      • Andy5759 says:

        Freemasonry supported the suffrage movement in Britain.

        • Nemesis says:

          And the Knights Templar – look up the history of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland if you wish to gain a more in depth appreciation of Masonry and its vast age.