Who knew?

Probably plenty of people did-

Popular ADHD Drugs Ritalin,Concerta,may change structure of children’s Brains,study finds-

Study Finds-

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, has become an incredibly common diagnosis in American children. ADHD is characterized by a lack of ability to focus and concentrate, and most children diagnosed with the condition end up being prescribed a medication. A new study offers a warning to parents, however: one of the most popular ADHD meds, Methylphenidate (MPH), may be affecting the development of white matter in children’s brains. The drug does not appear to have the same neurological effects in adults.

I’ve known quite a few kids in my time that were prescribed Ritalin,none of them have fared well.

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8 Responses to Who knew?

  1. Nemesis says:

    Just another Globalist/Deep State agenda propagated through the psuedo-science of psychiatry and backed up by Big Pharma.

    • mawm says:

      Psychiatry is a bit different in the world outside the US of A. There it seems to be a mixture of real psychiatry and psychology while in the other anglophone countries it refers to pathology of the function of the brain – a mainly unknown world although changing as more and more is understood about cellular function at a molecular level.

      • Nemesis says:

        Hello mawm – going on my own observational experience, I have no faith whatsoever in ‘mind doctors’ or their ‘expert’ opinions as witnesses in trials and parole boards.

        Many have yet to learn that there are forces way beyond what most of us realize, unseen forces, forces that mess with the susceptible mind of Man that the Bible warns us all about, but many never heed.

        As far as I am concerned the evidence is overwhelming, and we as a species have been putting up with such interference for over six thousand years or longer.

  2. Nemesis says:

    I have just attempted to post two responses to this post, hence the Test comment. Is this site being monitored for specific words?

    • Darin says:

      I just don’t know,I’ve suspected for sometime now that google or similar biases traffic to CR.Whenever certain subjects are breached it seems our comments and page views drop to nothing.

      The comment you posted,or tried to post ended up in the trash folder.I don’t know how or why,but this has been an issue lately on and off for a couple months.Comments that normally would have went right up.get redirected straight to the trash folder.

      At first I thought it might have been a page bug,sometimes a cursor error on the user’s display will land the mouse command on the trash tab instead of the comment or publish tab.I ruled that out when it happened to several different user’s.

      Maybe it’s someone on the NZ side messing about?We used to get a boatload of spam from some correctional facility in Auckland if I remember correctly.

      Anyway,I manually restored and approved your comment,so it should be good to go.

      • Nemesis says:

        Thanks Darin. Interesting to note that, and as you would know, both comments ending up as trash, were identical word for word (so, I guess that means my short term memory is still functioning http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

        yet, I was able to send off a ‘test’ and another comment alerting you. Something’s out of wack. Will file this experience away until next time – if it occurs againhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  3. mawm says:

    All psychotropic drugs, as well as environment and things such as mindful meditation, alter the synaptic pathways in the brain and thus how it functions.