While No One was Paying Attention

Trump and Boris negotiate a trade deal-

Brilliant – President Trump and PM Johnson Structuring Trade Deal to Commence November 1st…

“President Trump supports the nationalistic position, purposes and intents of Brexit. PM Johnson has promised to deliver Brexit by the mandatory date of October 31st.  One of the benefits, and also concerns amid the political left in the U.K, surrounds the economic impacts.  President Trump and PM Johnson would counter all those concerns with the announcement of an agreement for an interim bilateral trade deal ahead of Brexit.

This strategic approach, a deal that delivers both the Brexit result and the economic stability to offset any Brexit downside concerns, was the original idea that President Trump proposed to Theresa May two years ago.”

I see this as excellent news if they can pull it off.Not only will it be good for business,but it will also be one more nail in the EU’s coffin.

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5 Responses to While No One was Paying Attention

  1. Hammer that nail.

  2. Brown says:

    When you lav the bureaucrats out of it you can achieve things in weeks instead of years.

  3. mawm says:

    And Nancy is threatening to block it in Congress.

  4. powderburns says:

    Globalists won’t like the English Speaking nations re-uniting, which was probably a major goal of the EU apparatchik: divide the Christian nations.

    Will Boris come to be another Pitt the Younger.

    • mawm says:

      The globalists have certainly done as much as possible to split up the English cabal; first it was Rhodesia (gone), then South Africa (now Palestinian loving/American hating), Canada (Harper targeted by the left but hopefully they will be fully exposed by Trudeau), NZ (will always be socialist), and Australia (Abbott targeted by the left but fortunately keeping them at bay after the Rudd-Gillard disasters).

      The Christian faction will survive in the Eastern European countries.