Trade War Explained

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4 Responses to Trade War Explained

  1. Warren Tooley says:

    Very good video. Explains that China is gaining more from Trade than the US. That they aren’t playing fairly. So for the US to impose tariffs is to level the playing field. This should give them an incentive, to lower those tariffs and play fairly.

    • Darin says:

      Right now they are trying to wait Trump out,because they know if he looses in 2020 anybody that replaces him will go back to business as usual.

  2. Nemesis says:

    The Chinese/U.S. trade war goes much deeper than this video portrays. Trump is not attempting to just ‘level the playing field’ with China, but to curtail the Chinese Communist/military government’s world wide ambition of dominance via economic and military means, and that if not stopped or at least curtailed, will eventually bring the entire globe under Chinese Communist control via its ‘one belt and one road’ project.

    Folks need to familiarize themselves with what that ‘one belt and one road’ project was actually put in place for so as to realize the true agenda behind such a project.

    Forgotten by many, is that under Obama’s eight year presidency, China had been given a free hand to steal much of the U.S. technology, both military and industrial, while Obama almost stripped the American military of its fighting ability. If Clinton had won the presidency, further erosion of everything American would have escalated, especially inalienable rights. Walmarts were being turned into concentration camps stacked with millions of plastic coffins – what was Clinton planning to do with that kind of ‘detention facility’ set in place?

    Is anyone familiar with the agenda of the Weather Underground – Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorn?

    Chinese steel and ‘technology’ replaced American steel and technology during the Obama years, hence the many problems now being exposed with American infrastructure. It is common knowledge that Chinese steel and technology is inferior to American steel and technology as is nearly all Chinese made products, especially food and drugs because there are no standards in place to promote a quality product.

    Has anyone ever wondered why China has so many empty ‘ghost cities’ modeled on many Western cities and who was going to eventually live there? Would it have been the world’s elite, who being part of the Globalist Deep State Cabal would have found their way there as their own countries collapsed under the weight of the One Belt and One Road Project?

    Trump is doing more that just collapsing the Chinese economy, Trump is virtually saving the World from Globalist dominance.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Yes Nemesis, I agree that Trump is doing much more than leveling the playing field. I’m saying that cause I’m sick of people saying ‘but that’s anti free trade’.

      And yes there is much more at stake.