That Didn’t Take Long

Jeffery Epstein found dead by apparent suicide-

New York Post-

“Two weeks ago, Epstein, 66, was found nearly unconscious in his cell with injuries to his neck. He was reportedly placed on suicide watch. Jail spokesman Lee Plourde said Epstein was not “currently” on suicide watch. The Associated Press reported he was taken off suicide watch, though it wasn’t immediately clear when.”

“Thousands of documents unsealed Friday in connection with a defamation case against the perv’s alleged recruiter revealed dozens of high-profile names that a self-identified victim, Virginia Giuffre, said she was forced to perform sex acts with, from former Maine Sen. George Mitchell and ex-New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, money manager Glenn Dubin and MIT professor Marvin Minksy.”

“On Friday, a fresh list of high-profile names linked to Epstein’s alleged child-sex ring was among a cache of some 2,000 documents released as part of a separate lawsuit against British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell brought by one of Epstein’s self-identified victims.”

All just coincidence I am sure right?????

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23 Responses to That Didn’t Take Long

  1. Assisted Suicide.
    I wonder if he saw it coming.

  2. mawm says:

    Hillary’s been busy again.

  3. Nemesis says:

    It matters not that Epstein is no longer of this world because as ‘Q’ has stated, and on many occasions, ‘We have it all’ referring to ALL of the evidence that has been collected concerning Epstein’s ’employment’.

    Epstein was the chief blackmailer and a Mossad agent who spent decades entrapping the rich, famous and powerful into his/Mossad’s web of perversions, the like of which when it all becomes exposed, will send some folk to the psych ward of their local hospital, such is the evil that still runs this world.

    Future proves past – enjoy the show!

    • Nemesis says:

      Folks who have an understanding of ‘Q’ and gematrics, Nmay wish to look this presentation over: Youtube -SerialBrain2, Epstein Dead? Not according to the comms.

  4. Darin says:

    PJW-Dead men tell no tales

  5. Pascal says:

    After reading Porretto this morning, it inspired me to come up with a scenario that is favorable to the extent that it could be an answer to our prayers. And it also happens to fit in with what Nemesis has reported.

    Pray the odds I asked for there are in our favor. But the good part is, even if AG Barr didn’t plan it as is possible, the chances are great that there are too many miscreants who don’t know if Epstein is alive or dead. If the Trump administration can play their cards close to their vest, then Barr can use the prisoners’ dilemma to significantly begin draining the swamp.

    • Nemesis says:

      Disinformation can be used by BOTH sides in this so far cold civil war. The rumors of the possibility that Epstein is still alive will tear at those who want him gone causing them to make even bigger mistakes in their panic, and will give hope to those who want him brought to justice.

      • Pascal says:

        The rumors of the possibility that Epstein is still alive will tear at those who want him gone causing them to make even bigger mistakes in their panic

        I see that as more than enough.

        • Brown says:

          I suspect that only the people who killed him, if that is what happened, really know if he’s dead or not. The interesting bit will be whether this gets shared among the many who would have been sweating out an investigation and trial and on that basis there is reason to hope some scumbag panics and dobs a bunch of other scumbags in while looking for a plea bargain or just by mistake in the belief he’s still out there and singing.

          • Pascal says:

            The brilliant thing about Barr keeping the body — if there is one — hidden is that anyone who may have killed him or ordered it are also probably the same ones that have been extorting the others involved. Those that tell fellow guilty parties that they have nothing to worry about are not likely to trust those that tell them that. And those that want to tell them choose rather to keep quiet because they know saying anything will likely increase distrust of them.

            Organized crime often foiled the prisoner’s dilemma because it was a system external of law enforcement that punished even those suspected of talking.

            But now since those running “the insider’s system” are believed to be infiltrated by Trump supporters, those implicated with Epstein cannot be sure who is on their side and who is not. So the prisoner’s dilemma ought now be real to them.

            • Darin says:

              If I were Barr,I would have went to Epstein and offered him a deal a few weeks ago after his first “suicide” attempt.
              I would have given him three choices-
              1 die in prison of old age
              2 die in prison of “suicide”
              3 tell us everything you know and go into deep witness protection under a new identity in a country where it’s legal to f–k all the under 18 girls you want.

              In fact IF I were Bar,I would have arranged the first “suicide” to convince him that #3 was the best option.Then crawfished on the deal after he rolled over on everybody and dumped his body in a landfill in New Jersey.
              But that’s just me and I am a little bit of a sociopath when it comes to dealing with vermin like Epstein.

              • Pascal says:

                Thank you. Now pray that is what happened, because if it didn’t, it is far more likely Barr and Trump are just the new boss, same as the old boss. Different style, same old scheiß.

  6. Darin says:

    Day late and a dollar short-

    I’m sure the cleaners were already there a couple months back.

    • Nemesis says:

      Epstein’s Island was heavily monitored via electronic means. He was fastidious in recording everything that occurred on that island, in his aircraft and in his residences, no one escaped surveillance and ‘Q’ has it all

      • Pascal says:

        Please Neme, provide a link when you have such news.

        • Nemesis says:

          Pascal, I have been a ‘Q’ follower since October, 2017. Those of us who followed the ‘drops’ started to learn about Epstein and his island over 18 months ago – the info regarding ‘we have it all’ is in many of those drops so there is no direct link to – at least that I am aware of, to any of those drops that would confirm what I have put in my comment.

          But, the X22 Report, We all have a role to play – on Youtube – will confirm the info that I have exposed in my comment.

        • Nemesis says:

          Or, this may be a better site for info that that has been ‘out there’ for the followers of ‘Q’

          Youtube – Lori Colley, Epstein, the Temple & Children.

  7. Darin says:

    Another twist-

    At 96,I doubt there was any foul play involved,unless someone crept up behind the old bugger and yelled BOO!