Open House 8/9/19

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22 Responses to Open House 8/9/19

  1. Pascal says:

    The link includes this video montage of media lies followed by the truth.

    The link also contains transcripts.

    [This is one of those comments that belongs in the Media Redpill category, but WordPress doesn’t allow on-the-fly category inclusions.]

  2. Pascal says:

    El Paso Hero Defies Media Accounts of Trump’s Visit.

  3. Darin says:

    The Computer that controlled the Saturn V-

    Completely fascinating what they were able to achieve

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      My thoughts exactly. There was a cartoon at the end of July with photos of Bill & Hillary looking surprised with the caption “You mean Epstein survived?”. Apparently we are not alone.

  4. Pascal says:

    Codevilla’s latest Igniting Civil War

    What should happen, what can happen, when the real, existing violent organizations of the Left—Antifa and the several radical black organizations—try to exclude or to punish? Several cities—Portland, Oregon and Charlottesville, Virginia among them—have had their streets taken over. What happens when these organizations organize mobs to harass their least favorite people? What happens when some of them wind up dead?

    At a certain point, the other side shoots back. Here as elsewhere, the several police forces may be expected to split and take opposite sides. Then the army’s special forces become the arbiters, and the war rages.

    We know that our ruling class having largely made government into a partisan thing, America has crossed the threshold of revolution. While we have no way of knowing what lies ahead, we know that the spiral of political violence has already taken its first fateful turns, and that the logic of our partisan ruling class is pushing for more.

    Divide and conquer? What tin-foil hat nut could make such an outrageous charge? /Prog voice

    • Pascal says:

      Related to the above. Your Truth Verses My Truth Promoted Over The Truth

      The fact that someone still sane felt the need to make this video provides more evidence of how the ruling class stokes dissension.

    • Darin says:

      When I got to the range,I practice for distance 300-600 yards,intermediate range 50-100 yards and close range 5-50 feet……I also run the three gun course for “fun”

      Oh,and in case there are any lefties reading this,know that if your side is stupid enough to get the fight started.Our side also has 14 year old girls that can own you at 300 yards

  5. Darin says:

    Micheal Moore is gonna take a knee-

    If he ever does it’s gonna take a truck crane to get him back up :lol:

  6. Darin says:

    ‘Just like Starbucks with green aprons, UPS with brown trucks and outfits, and Hooter’s with short-orange shorts, the baristas’ attire evokes a message at work,’ the lawsuit says, adding that such messages include ‘freedom, empowerment, openness, acceptance, approachability, vulnerability and individuality.’

    Ya,okay sweeties,you’re,young,gorgeous and don’t mind showing it.But for the love of god,can you please stop it with the tattoos already????

  7. Pascal says:

    Unique to BPS, a rational and deep exploration of phobias.

    Does a nice job of separating the recent political ones from the learned and inherited ones — yes inherited ones. “The political are misnamed, but that won’t matter to our demagogic [Pascal’s adjective] rulers. And because of the political success of the misnamed Islamophobia, we can expect many more political versions to emerge.”

    • Darin says:

      Genetic memory stands to reason,other species have it,I see no reasons why Humans wouldn’t as well.
      Phobias are fears,and interestingly politics and religion both rely on it to keep the converts inline.How much destructive legislation has been passed into law because of irrational fear?

      On a side note,I always get a chuckle anytime the word phobia is mentioned.Because of Gary Larson :mrgreen: