No More Tangible Example of Projection

The creature on (and of) the left is ostensibly the fashion critic-editor for Vogue. On the right is First Lady Melania Trump.

The one on the Left considers the one on the Right to be poorly attired.

In my opinion, the relative optimist Lewis Carroll would succumb to tears living one hour in our wonderland.

Bottom line: No genius could manufacture a more tangible example of projection.

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22 Responses to No More Tangible Example of Projection

  1. Nemesis says:

    I remember participating in an ‘art exhibition’ when I was attending High School – Bondi Junior High 1966 (all those years ago) Any subject for presentation was permitted so long as that presented was done by the aspiring artist, and without any assistance from parents, relatives or friends.

    Old sailing ships were my favorite subject at that time, so a I set to painting such an old vessel in full sail on the high seas – in my opinion – it wasn’t a bad job and those I knew away from school were generally impressed with what I had painted.

    I thought I was in for at least one of the prizes on offer which I can no longer remember what they were.

    So, on the day, all the aspiring artists had their works on ‘public display’ within the school yard for everyone to comment on and my entry received some good comments – but hours later when the ‘art critic’ arrived and did his rounds of all the exhibits, first, second and third prizes, were awarded to what can only be described as a representation of the individual prize winner’s bad dream!

    I learned a valuable lesson back then concerning expectations and as to how some people’s minds work.

    The Marxists have been steadily eroding our fine history in art, especially real life presentations, music and science – cornerstones of Western civilization – and they’ve replaced beauty with ugliness. What we now behold in such politically compromised magazines as Vogue, is the end result of that undermining.

    • Pascal says:

      Yes, one of the earliest and most visible signals of where the Progs wished to take Western Civilization was in their backing and promotion of art critics who elevated so-called modern art over majestic art that puts mere photography to shame.

      When you were a student, you had no conception that your efforts would be intentionally put down for political reasons.

      The position of influence granted that creature on the Left reveals the hidden soul of the Progressive Movement (Death Cultists at its core) better than any modern artist could depict.

    • Brown says:

      Wifey made a dress for her doll as an entry in her school’s Best Dressed Doll competition. It was a 70’s dress and was much admired by every one, even the judges, but it didn’t win the prize because the judges thought her mum had made it. That taught a talented 7 year old a life lesson.

      • Nemesis says:

        Brown, it is an undermining of one’s integrity, no matter how old or young, not to be accepted for what they have created.

    • Andy5759 says:

      Yup. If you want fine art there’s no better art therapy than Ol’ Remus. Some of that Hudson School stuff has brought me close to tears with its beauty. Later stuff leaves me cold, it takes away rather than adds.

    • Nemesis says:

      Pascal, I believe such people as that ‘art critic’ truly reflect their own lack of creativity.

      • Pascal says:

        From Sarah Hoyt a few weeks ago (and the whole thing is well worth 20 minutes if you are a slow reader):

        This doesn’t mean all leftist authors are horrible (or artists, or film makers) but that if you are a mediocre creator, you can get very far and advance in the hierarchy by being more lefty than thou.

        This means enough non-entities have made the upper echelons that they feel threatened by EVEN LEFTISTS with a particle of creativity. Which explains Hollywood. And possibly the mess that most publishing is (though frankly, there’s many other things in there.) [emphasis added]

        Yes, their sense of their own lack of creativity makes it more likely they resent the creativity of those they criticize.

        Envy, and the resentment it raises, is what is warned off in the last Commandment. Violating that one can lead to violating all the rest.

  2. Nemesis says:

    Off duty fireman outside a Walmart possibly in Springfield, Ill, prevents another mass murder event – see Gateway Pundit or Truth and Art TV on Youtube.

  3. Darin says:

    That first picture requires the use of eye bleach after seeing it and a stiff drink to try and un-see it.
    The second one

  4. powderburns says:

    Another manifestation of the assault on beauty.

    It’s easy to remedy. Recognize beauty. Revere beauty. Show your kids beauty.

    It’s all around us, just need to point out the modern problem, and aim for the opposite, in everything we do. Aim for beauty. It takes over everything. Very compelling.

    • Pascal says:

      One of the ways to do that is to use the adjective contemporary instead of modern in statements such as yours. I have to admit I sometimes forget myself, so my advisory to you now serves as a reminder.

      Modern implies new and better, the latest innovation eventually to be replaced by the even more modern. Culturally that is a far off description of most that is currently being pedaled.

      What the Prog mavens of culture have foisted upon an unwary public is what they call postmodernism. The best way to comprehend what that means is “let’s get beyond this notion of an ever more gleaming future because the world will not be able to sustain itself if we don’t.” They are trying to convince whole new generations to just give up and die off (because the future they envision for us is one of misery in servitude.)

      Yes powderburns, elevate the beautiful and that includes visions of a beautiful, unbounded future. We have in each of us the will to survive and for that have been gifted with the creativity to discover whatever needs to be discovered to overcome any future adversity.

      • powderburns says:

        Pascal, I look at the beauty of Michel’s Cathedral, and wonder why we haven’t embarked on this adventure again. Aristotle’s concept of prudence is useful. Practical wisdom. The ability to draw logos from chaos. The beauty in a cathedral was built by practical men. My day is filled with practical people. Whom care expert at drawing beauty from chaos. All sick of the PC pedantic bullshit, days filled with sucking up to usurers, desperate to embark on a practical mission. It is not far off.

        • Pascal says:

          Powderburns: Was one of your main points garbled?
          Was this what you meant? ‘My day is filled with practical people who are expert at drawing beauty from chaos.’

    • Pascal says:

      I wonder what Roger Scruton would make of this and its potential?

      More on this here: 16 Jaw-Dropping 3D Street Art Pieces By Odeith

      Just imagine what imagery could be painted upon blank concrete by artists with such talent? Sadly there are very few talents and far too many architectural eyesores in this postmodern age.

      The point I am making is that no matter how awful the “architects” of our decline have been and remain, there are vestiges of beauty that men may draw out from deep in their very being so as to rebel and bring solace to the rest of us.

  5. I’ve seen week-old road kill that looked better than that sow with the Raggedy Ann war paint.

  6. timothy lyle kies says:

    Our local newsrag today, Sunday edition, had a list of books you should read, seperated by age group. From age 1-10, 10-20, 20-30, and so on.
    I have never in my entire life, seen such a pile of garbage books, pushed as necessary reading for people. Every single one, even those for new readers was a liberal pile of crap.
    Think of just about any of the late twentieth century and early 21st century liberal brainwashing, anti conservative ideas, pro socialist garbage and you will pretty much have it.
    From telling just how horrible life was for anyone not a white male, to books about how modern couture came to be, it is all garbage.
    Then, on the front page, was a full page article telling just how awful white people are, and blaming white privilege and slavery, all on white people living today, and how we still do not let anyone with any color other than white to prosper in America.
    There is a reason we only get the local paper a couple of days a week. Coupons is the biggest reason. And with many of them available on your smartphones, it is getting to the point where we are going to cancel the paper, and just use our phone and computer. They even list all the obits online now, so there is not even that going for it.

    • Nemesis says:

      Timothy – what you have written pretty much sums up why I no longer watch TV, listen to the radio or read ‘newspapers’ for any real info just over a decade ago. In fact, we (wife and I) moved into our new house just over six years ago and when the builder asked where I would like the TV antenna sited, I told not him not to bother.

      Six corporations control around 90% of the media today, and they all collude when presenting ‘news’ or ‘talking points’.

      If you wish to know, that is if you don’t already know, how western media became a controlled source of information, i.e. propaganda, then look up Operation Mockingbird and the Clowns In America agenda behind the subversion of the so called, ‘fourth estate’.

      And what was done under that operation is really just the tip of the iceberg as far as keeping us as ‘sheep’.