Blunting the Spear

The inside story of how the Army reduced standards to get women through Ranger training-

Daily Caller-

“An RI with firsthand knowledge of the candidate’s evaluation explains, “During clearance of the [objective], she lost control of her squad, leading to fratricide” (i.e. leading to what would have been a friendly-fire incident if live rounds were being used in a non-training environment.) Understandably, this normally earns a failing grade (an “immediate no-go”). But it didn’t here. He also said the squad left the casualty behind when it withdrew from the mission objective, normally another automatic no-go. The mission, he said, was a disaster. Nevertheless, the instructor overseeing the female candidate’s patrol gave her a passing grade. Every candidate on the mission reportedly received a no-go, except one—the female.”

We all knew this would happen,standards would be relaxed in order to achieve a political goal.Setting standards aside,the evil do-gooders don’t even take the law of diminishing returns into count.To them it makes no difference what the costs are,so long as they achieve their objective-weakening our national defense. 

UPDATE: Part two is out and it’s doesn’t get any better

Daily Caller-

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2 Responses to Blunting the Spear

  1. Nemesis says:

    The Marxists, especially under Obammy, made much ‘progress’ in their agenda to undermine the United States of America. I don’t know which is worse when deliberate attempts are made to accommodate affirmative action and equal opportunity policies, especially in military and policing roles, by parties knowing full well what their attempts will achieve – is it the Marxists themselves who adhere to such treachery, is it those who fail to speak out against such destructive policies while following their orders that then aid and abet the treachery, or is it the candidate who willingly accepts their own failings for a placement that they know they cannot possibly fulfill and as a result, also share in the treachery?

    • Darin says:

      And that’s just it,that they kept silent and accepted the leg up proves they aren’t Ranger material.