Organized Labor=Organized Crime

FBI raids the home of former UAW president,finds “wads of cash”

Daily Caller-

“The FBI raid may be linked to a scandal surrounding misspent money that the UAW was supposed to use for a joint training center with Fiat Chrysler Automobiles. Millions of dollars intended for worker training have been spent on former union and company officials, the Detroit Free Press reports.”

“There was absolutely no need for search warrants to be used by the government today — the UAW has voluntarily responded to every request the government has made throughout the course of its investigation, produced literally hundreds of thousands of documents and other materials to the government, and most importantly, when wrongdoing has been discovered, we have taken strong action to address it.”

Bwhahahaha…that’s rich! :lol:

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3 Responses to Organized Labor=Organized Crime

  1. Nemesis says:

    I see Obammy has set his sights on some more ‘organizing’. The Traitor was supposedly worth less than a million bucks when he was parachuted into the Senate and has recently with his ‘wife’ Michael (you read that right) purchased a property on a few beach front acres worth over 14 million dollars – where did all that money come?

    I wonder if Richard Trumka, who reportedly visited Obammy’s white house many, many times, will also be receiving that search warrant knock on the door sometime soon?

    Justice moves slowly as they say, but I do believe that Obammy and his CIA ‘wife’ will not get to enjoy their ill gotten gains because they will soon find themselves in Gitmo.

    As ‘Q’ states – enjoy the show!

  2. I have ALWAYS referred to union dues as “payments to the mob.”