Never Listen to Stupid People,Especially Children

John Nolte has an excellent rant up on Breitbart-


“By all means, let’s ignore stuffy concepts like wisdom and experience. Instead, let’s hand our futures over to teenagers who have never paid a bill, never faced a real responsibility, and have no idea what it means to be on your own in a tough and unfair world that you’re gunna have to crack open if you want a place for yourself.

By all means, let’s hand the power to shape the world over to those who were sitting in their own poop on  9/11.

Better still, let’s hand  our futures over, not just to children, but to spoiled children, to children who already have their own yacht, to someone right out of Children of the Cornwho sports a black arm band and says things likeWe’re just waiting for you die.

Yep, that’s who I want in charge of my health care.”

And this folks is why the west is doomed,we have given over the controls to stupid people and idiot children.

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One Response to Never Listen to Stupid People,Especially Children

  1. powderburns says:

    The children are innocent. They are being used as pawns. At some point I suppose they become agents, but miss pigtails is a pawn. Her politics though are deadly.

    Hilterjugend were only pawns. The average age of the Khmer Rouge was 12. The Rwandan conflict was conducted by kids. And lets not forget that the preferred age of western military cannon fodder was 16. The real evil hides behind a desk, an altar, a keyboard these days?