Open House 8/30/19

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43 Responses to Open House 8/30/19

  1. Darin says:

    Jessi Combs was killed in an accident this week while attempting to break a land speed record.

    Shame,she was a rare breed,I’d seen some of her work on some off road stuff she designed and built,she was no joke,she had skill.

    • Brown says:

      The F104 based vehicle looks a bit of a lash up to me and a bit less “one off designed and engineered” than other jet, rocket etc… cars that have been produced over the recent years although I guess they were designed to go a fair bit faster than her target speed. I admire her skill and courage though, she clearly had plenty of both and maybe that vehicle really needed them.

      • Darin says:

        Given the physics involved I gotta hand it to her,she had more balls than a lot of men do.

        Breaking the LSR in a wheeled vehicle is a very sketchy proposition precisely because of the wheels.There was this mention from the Bloodhound wiki page-

        ” The four 36-inch (910 mm) diameter wheels would rotate at up to 10,200 rpm and be forged from an aluminium zinc alloy[31] to resist the 50000 g centrifugal forces.”

        10k rpm and 50k g’s in centrifugal force mean those wheels are right at the razor’s edge between preforming as advertised and coming apart.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Thought: I know many are upset that James Comey has not been indicted for what was in the recently released IG report. However, other reports that are still due out cover much more serious issues like lying to the FISA court, not once but multiple times. It could be that AG Barr doesn’t want Comey to have the chance to plead out on the lesser charges to avoid going to trial for serious felonies.

    • mawm says:

      I won’t be holding my breath.

      • Darin says:

        Most likely Barr is yet another swamp creature.

        • Pascal says:

          Likely, yup. I’ve been praying he’s the new edition of Elliot Ness but instead of busting down little setups is really good at keeping a low profile while employing subterfuge so that the swamp believes he’s one of them. That’s only a prayer, and I lack the wing.

    • Nemesis says:

      My own sources tell me that a much higher charge of TREASON will be thrown at Comey – he is one of the enablers of the FISA abuses and other treacherous activities. If a criminal is worth catching then you catch him with a charge that will stick and put him away for a very long time and forget the lesser charges that are trivial offences compared to treason.

      I expect to see Comey and his cohorts hanged at Gitmo.

      • mawm says:

        He should be charged for each and every crime he has committed. With his henchmen ducking and diving it is going to be difficult to make anything stick, so they should be charged with obstruction of justice (it has a nice ring to it) and locked away for as long as is possible. Selective justice is not justice.

        • Nemesis says:

          Yes, Comey has much to answer for. But his key role in a coup against a duly elected President is the clincher. He has also aided and abetted Hilary’s role when she was Secretary of State in her selling of American industrial and military secrets to the Chinese, and American Uranium to the Russians, as well as her disclosure to the Chinese of CIA assets within China that got many of those agents murdered.

          These are multiple charges of Treason, everything else he is guilty of pales into insignificance, and it will be the charge of Treason that will see him hang.

          • Nemesis says:

            I should also have added. The DOJ does not want Comey fighting lesser charges that would see him tied up in a civilian court for years.

            Comey is a Traitor and as a Traitor he comes under the specific definition of a combatant against the United States, and as such, he will be treated to a one way ride where all enemy combatants end up – Gitmo.

            • Darin says:

              That’s all well and good gents,but I think we are past the time when any of what you mention will happen or is even politically possible. I’ve been arguing for years that Trump needs a third option,perhaps some retired spec ops people who remember their oath to the Constitution could be of assistance-

              • Nemesis says:

                They’re still weeding out the Globalists from within government. Over one hundred years of infiltration cannot be remedied within two years. You also tend to forget that much of the population has been brainwashed by the mockingbird media and before any of those over 120,000 sealed indictments are actioned, Trump must have the majority of Americans on his side, and the only way to achieve that is to expose those at the top of the coup to anyone willing to wake up to their brainwashing and where America was headed.

                Trump won the 2016 election because he was able to wake up more voters than the Globalists were able to fake against him.

                That is a reality.

                An example of the many that Trump has been able to wake up must surely be reflected in his popularity that has grown Bigly, since 2016.

                Another example of what Trump has achieved thus far is the 9th Circuit Court on his inauguration were heavily Globalist – but not now – as the 9th Circuit Court now upholds the Constitution and Trump’s executive orders.

                To be effective in locking up criminals, charges laid must be of such severity that no judge or magistrate will demur in giving them jail time – charging with lesser offences only wastes police and the courts time as the criminal will always walk if the charge is not a severe felony.

                And the word is…….the unsealing of those indictments is imminent.

                • mawm says:

                  Nemesis – I’m not so certain that all these indictments even exist or that the reach of the globalists extends way beyond the communist sympathisers in government but what needs to be sorted out is the extensive corruption in the US government that allows people like Comey to get a couple of years employment with a big government-beholden company like Boeing and come out of it with $4 million or so in his pocket. From the Clintons, the McCains and the Obamas down vast amounts of taxpayer money has been moved into personal accounts. The American citizen is being robbed by his own ‘elected’ officials and those guns need to used before they are taken away.

        • Nemises says:

          A question for you mawm: What would have happened had Trump immediately on taking office begun arresting those that you and I, and many who visit this site, know to be criminals in high places?

          Remember, the vast majority of the population in 2017 were still being brainwashed by their ‘news sources’.

          And before considering your answer you must take into account that what Trump inherited within government was infested with Communists and Globalist Deep State operatives that also held sway throughout the judicial system. Then there was the alphabet soup of ‘intelligence agencies’ that were in total lockstep with the British Five Eyes establishment, while Obammy had decimated the higher ranks of the military as he systematically destroyed the effectiveness of U.S. military forces, and the only still accountable and therefore trustworthy intelligence agency belonged to Military Intelligence.

          The above question is not a trick question – I just want you to consider what you would have done had you been in Trump’s position.

          • mawm says:

            One has to consider the optics of it first. The outcry and accusations of revenge by the media, Hollywood and the university elite would have been unbearable, as well as the sway of public opinion. Not good for Trump and the reason why he has not gone after the Clinton corruption.

            Secondly, his own party would have turned on him (even more so than they have) as they are party to the corruption in both houses.

            His greatest disappointment must be Sessions. The only way he could have attacked this corruption is through an AG who thinks along the same lines but acts independently. With such an AG they could have systematically dismantled the deep state (which btw also exists in the UK and here in NZ and I’m sure many other Western governments. One just has to watch the British TV series “Yes Minister” to see how they work). Also Ryan must be singled out for having gone against Trump at every turn doing the will of big money (Tom Donahue, etc).

            I’m sure the military, which seems to have the support of the majority of Americans would not have liked to go down the path of clearing out a corrupt civilian government for a civilian C-in-C. What happens when they suddenly decide that Trump is abusing of his position?

            The only way get rid of corruption in government and politics is to have ‘we the people’ demand effective laws with harsh punishments to prevent it, eg accepting bribes in cash or kind, preferential treatment for politicians and high officials under the law, the inability to use politics or position to make extraordinary amounts of money, etc. I don’t hold out much hope unless those responsible are lined up against a wall.

        • Nemesis says:

          mawm, well, you are on the ball concerning the media and other Collectivist institutions regarding Trump if he had been silly enough to begin locking up those that only 50% of the American public were aware of who should be locked up.

          In short, we would now be bearing witness to another, but this time, much more destructive American Civil war, and that many it seems on both sides, yearn for, but many of them who do so fail to realize just how devastating such a war would be to the contemporary American nation when one takes time to consider the weaponry now available that is far more destructive than what was available to opposed American forces just 150 years ago.

          I believe a man of God would avert through all means necessary open to him, such a catastrophe. And having studied Trump, that is my considered opinion about the man.

          I note your reference to Jeff Sessions.

          Have you made yourself aware of Sessions background and why Trump would have employed him? My suggestion is that, as you put it, optics, play a BIG role on both sides of this so far cold civil war – so what if I put to you that Sessions has been largely responsible for most of those sealed indictments that you don’t believe exist?

          As ‘Q’ states, future proves past, and if you had been following ‘Q’ like I have since October, 2017, you would already be aware of what Sessions has been really working on behind the scenes, and as ‘Q’ has stated, trust Sessions.

          In regard to the Republican Party. Cast your mind back to Trump’s announcement in 2015 to run for the Presidency – did not the Republican Party distance themselves from candidate Trump and then attack him personally?

          What say you now with 95% Republican Party approval for President Trump who has been whittling away at the Globalist/Deep state connections via blackmail on nearly ALL members of Congress, and who he took to pardon under Presidential privilege, those members under such restraint during his address to the nation in 2018?

          Did you miss that very significant event? You can always revisit it just to confirm what I write?

          And as a result of that unexpected and wide pardon, have you not considered the turnaround of Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham from opposing Trump to now championing him?

          As I write these words I find them hard to believe myself, but it is what it has become, and I have no doubt that there is divine intervention in what we can all behold if those still blind remove their blinkers – but again – that is my opinion.

          As regard the law of the land – our written constitutions – that were put into force to safeguard our lives, liberties and an ability to pursue happiness. They have all been subjugated by our ‘elected representatives’ by signing onto the United Nations that has systematically bribed, coerced and corrupted them all to the point that only to the election of Trump, and the vote by the British to leave the European Union, the UN vision, as reflected by the Globalist/Deep State, would be now in force.

          That is something to reflect on! If Hilary had ‘won’ the 2016 election where would we be now?

          • mawm says:

            Much of what you say is not relevant to what I said.

            Two points – you need to differentiate the Republican Party voters from the Republican Party Representatives, and I don’t believe things that I have no evidence for – both sealed indictments by the thousands and ‘Q’.

          • Nemesis says:

            mawm wrote, ‘Much of what you say is not relevant to what I said’.

            I say, you don’t point out what you believe to be irrelevant – only provide a generalization.

            It is your choice to remain on the sidelines of this so far cold war battle for minds. I have chosen to learn what has been available from ‘Q’ which is military intelligence, ‘Q +’ being POTUS himself. ‘Q’ drops are numbered and dated for reference purposes so that those who follow ‘Q’ can check back on what was projected to happen in the past can be verified in the future when what has been projected occurs.

            So far – everything projected by ‘Q’ has come to pass, but you choose to remain in the dark on what is really going on around this world.

            I don’t believe things I have no evidence for either – maybe you should be looking into what ‘Q’ is all about.

            • mawm says:

              There is a difference between not relevant and irrelevant.

              Nemesis you asked my opinion with regard to Trump arresting those that opposed him. I gave it to you. You have brought in other factors into the discussion. I don’t want to go down that road.

              With regard to your belief in “Q”. He/she writes such obscure nonsense, as in it makes no sense, in such a manner that it can be interpreted in way the reader wants, very much like Nostradamus and other so-called seers. Believe what you want, hope for what you want but only time will tell what happens and history will judge those involved.

            • Nemesis says:

              Like I have written – what you choose to do in learning about who and what controls this world is entirely up to you – that is your choice.

              I have no problem in following ‘Q’ which is a team of both genders in Military Intelligence. What is put out needs to be balanced with gematrics and if you knew what gematria is, you would soon realize that gematria is the language of all the secret societies that have controlled this world for a very long time.

              Listen to JFKs speech on ‘secret societies’ and then understand why he was killed.

              mawm stated: ‘You have brought other other factors into the discussion. I don’t want to go down that road’.

              What is going on in this world cannot be fully understood unless one is prepared to open their mind to all possibilities. One cannot grasp what Trump is doing until one learns how Trump is operating.

              Anyone following ‘Q’ from the beginning knew about Epstein and his cohorts nearly two years ago. Some BIG names are about to be exposed regarding Epstein and his cohorts.

              • Darin says:

                I see two possibilities regarding Q-
                1- That he/she/it is nothing more than a psy-op,a mechanism employed by the deep state themselves to keep people sedated into believing the fantasy that something might one day happen to someone(insert boogie man here)there is a leftist version as well.
                2-It’s simply a mirage to keep people distracted from what’s really going on behind the curtain.See my latest post and why I warned of this happening over a year ago.

            • Nemesis says:

              Darin – if what you believe to be true then explain the following:

              1. North and South Korea are no longer on a war footing – an end to the truce of 1953 is now in effect and reunification of the Korean peninsular is becoming a reality.

              2. Iran is now ready to negotiate with Trump – we will start to see an end to Iran’s proxies – Hezbollah and the Iranian Republican Guard and all the other Islamic terrorist outfits that Iran has supported, such as Hamas and Fatah – which will result in eventual peace throughout the middle east.

              3. Trump is beginning the process to draw down U.S. involvement in Afghanistan – no longer will the U.S. military be supporting the Globalist drug growing enterprise in Afghanistan.

              4. Trump demanded that the European countries that are protected under the NATO umbrella start paying for their own protection and not be reliant on the U.S. for military support, too, the Marshall plan has now been canned – both actions are saving the U.S. billions.

              5. China is floundering economically because of Trump’s tariffs which have benefited the U.S. economy BIGLY. China has been forced into a corner, especially with the protests in Hong Kong – would such a turnaround had of occurred if Hilary had been ‘voted’ in?

              6. In just two short years, Trump has taken the United States of America from being second to China on just about everything to becoming the greatest economy and military on this planet – would that have been allowed if the Deep State’s Clinton had become president?

              It’s OK to be a skeptic, but when it prevents one from seeing what they should be seeing, then skepticism has begun to close one’s mind. If ‘Q’ was a psyop then why is the Left self-destructing?

              • Darin says:

                While there has been progress made in all the areas you mention,nothing concrete has yet to happen.In any rate,what I was referring to wasn’t the diplomatic achievements,but rather the ongoing war against the deep state here at home.

                • Nemesis says:

                  One day it will become widely appreciated that North Korea, China, Iran and Afghanistan were Globalist initiatives as performed by the CIA, MI6 and Mossad.

                  What we all now see are the diplomatic ongoings from agreements made with the Trump Admin – what we don’t see is the shenanigans still being carried on by a yet to be completely defeated Globalist/Deep State – but their days are now numbered and they know it.

    • mawm says:

      We don’t know his creed or colour – only how the MSM respond will give us a clue.

      • Darin says:

        Yes,and also another instance where multiple shooter’s were reported,but now it’s just the lone wolf again.

  3. Darin says:

    “Angry Vegan”….is there any other kind?

    Thankfully,the judge stopped this one cold.

    • Nemesis says:

      C out the DM for that vegan loser and her army of lawyers prepared to take on over 2000 barbeque lovers who vow to upset her vegan sensibilities by staging a mass barbeque this coming weekend. LOL!

  4. Michael in Nelson says:
  5. Darin says:

    All the media and Hollywood types are now wanking on calling this “persecution”

    He’s a felon with priors and here illegally,he was in possession of a firearm,a fact nobody denies.Send his ass to prison for 20 and then back to good ole Mehico.

    • Nemesis says:

      Maybe someone should be checking on the County Executive’s Bank account for any recent unexplained lump sum payments appearing outside of what he would normally earn – it’s the only quick way to catch out these traitors – as apart from the odd lynching of course.

  6. Pascal says:

    In order to see this video, John Lott appears to have restricted it to being viewed at youtube, probably to increase his traffic. Can’t say as I blame him. He’s done tremendous work in countering the propaganda against the usefulness of firearms in the hands of the public and deserves more credit than he receives now.

  7. Pascal says:

    What it seems he means by “creating a nation of worms” is in setting a goal to establish rule so uniform that its subjects may be treated like the invertebrates the majority have become.

    What I particularly wish for all to see is something I believe KG would have endorsed wholeheartedly.

    At the very start of this video D’Sousa makes a great point about reacting in kind in order to get the other side to stop its barbarity. “You have to do to them what they’re doing to you if you ever want it to stop.” Watch it.

    Something else runs parallel to that. The other side’s use of projection is their way of confessing what is in their hardened hearts. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I feel that I need to demonstrate how they’re projecting even more than I do now.

    Thanks guys.

    • Darin says:

      I agree but with one caveat,we don’t need to just respond in kind,we need to go well beyond so that our message is heard loud and clear and not forgotten anytime soon.Don’t just make it hurt,leave a mark.