Trapped in Clown World

I figured a post about the bizarre state of affairs we find ourselves living in would be good. Reading the headlines these days it’s difficult sometimes to tell if they are real or someone is joking.

If you have seen anything weird,silly or downright insane in the news,post it here so we can all share in the disbelief.

I’ll go first-

“Women” Rugby athletes-

“My daughter Grace was told at the age of 11 she could no longer play with the boys because it was no longer safe. How can they have that rule in place and … say it is perfectly OK for a transgender woman who is a biological man to play with the girls, but girls who are girls are not allowed to play with the boys because it is dangerous?”

“If you even ask the question, you are told you are a bigot,” another referee told the Times, stating that they had witnessed five different women’s players with beards over the course of half a season.”

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16 Responses to Trapped in Clown World

  1. Pascal says:

    That’s a bad one. Misogyny has morphed and given legal standing. This is far worse than clown world.

  2. I am afraid of clowns…
    Please don’t post anything that would trigger me.

  3. Darin says:

    “A lie will go round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.” Charles Spurgeon

    The media picks up and runs with a story fabricated from whole cloth by the NYT aka the propaganda wing of the DNC.

  4. mawm says:

    because it was no longer safe….

    Years ago I played club “field hockey”. Every year we had a social game within the club where we had mixed teams, men and women (the real things), where you marked or were marked by a member of the opposite sex. (This was still when it was a binary world). They were probably the most dangerous games I ever played! I learned that playing against men one could protect ankles and shins from being being hit by a tackling player……because one knew where they were swinging their stick because they were going for the ball, while the women would come into a tackle with their stick swinging wildly like a scythe and not necessarily aimed at the ball. I suppose the high blood alcohol levels helped minimise the pain.

    • Darin says:

      :lol: I got a crooked front tooth that was the result of a mixed softball game. The girls we were playing with had swinging the bat down,but not so much on holding on to it firmly.

      I caught a bat in the jaw as a result, worked out though. The girl that lost the bat mid swing was hotter than a $2 pistol and most sympathetic

  5. Pascal says:

    This is what Drudge has right now as a headline (refrained from using the police flasher — for now)
    And it was a mouse, and so is the pic he used.

    Hype much nowadays Matt? LOL

    The explanation for Drudge is that he has reportedly been body-snatched. No longer running the site with his name on it.

    • Nemesis says:

      I believe The Drudge Report was always a CIA diversion to sucker the Patriot so as eventually target them based on their electronic identity.

      • Pascal says:

        Could be. It was he who loudly scooped all media about the existence of Lewinski’s stained blue dress. That personal disgrace of BC provided the red-herring needed to derail the impeachment inquiry from what was really endangering the national interest (and took the heat off of GOP Senators the Clintons were likely blackmailing with rumored dirt they found in the raw FBI files “lost” in the White House).