Some Things are in bad need of cleaning

Namely the CIA, it’s become a den of rats,treasonous rats. It’s time for the Senate to call them on the carpet, even if that means de-funding them.

The Daily Caller-

“It looks like a legal document,” he said. “It doesn’t look like a whistleblower complaint, and that leads me to believe that this whistleblower that we’re talking about is just a face of an entire group that’s at the CIA that’s pushing this forward.”

And also some sage advice from Ron Paul with a hat tip to Victor for finding it

Ron Paul Institute-

“It may appear that the Democratic Party, furious over Hillary Clinton’s 2016 loss, is the driving force behind this ongoing attempt to remove Donald Trump from office, but at every turn we see the fingerprints of the CIA and its allies in the US deep state.

In August 2016, a former acting director of the CIA, Mike Morell, wrote an extraordinary article in the New York Times accusing Donald Trump of being an “agent of the Russian Federation.” Morell was clearly using his intelligence career as a way of bolstering his claim that Trump was a Russian spy – after all, the CIA should know such a thing! But the claim was a lie.”

So yes,it’s high time the FBI,CIA and NSA all be called on the carpet and investigated. Heads need to roll and treasonous rats throughout the government need to be afraid , not just for their careers and pensions, but for the possibility of prison time or worse for forgetting where their allegiance must lie.



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5 Responses to Some Things are in bad need of cleaning

  1. Nemesis says:

    The CIA and the other alphabet soup of American ‘spy agencies’ is part of the world wide surveillance system known as ‘five eyes’ and that includes the countries of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and the United States.

    Five eyes was directed by MI6 through the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Rothschild and the British Crown), the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, that also controlled MOSSAD – however, as ‘Q’ has previously disclosed, those links are now cut so that the CIA,FBI, NSA, and the DNI are now virtually operating as rogue entities but are still being adequately funded by their controlling interests within the British Crown and other, so far, untouchable assets.

    And you the reader probably believed that the British Empire to be dead and long gone?

    Ever wonder why previous American presidents, including Ronald Reagan, visited Buckingham Palace to be ‘knighted’ by the Queen for services rendered to the British Empire that still hands out largely irrelevant titles to its most worth sycophants?

    So, Trump has now isolated North Korea (Globalist asset) and is in the process of isolating Iran (another Globalist asset) while he is attempting to wrest control of those very lucrative poppy fields in Afghanistan still controlled by the Taliban (CIA asset) so as to cut off another source of CIA funding.

    Remember the raid on Quantico (CIA HQ) by the Marines back in early 2017? What was that all about you wonder? Maybe the Marines seized control of Snow White and her Seven Dwarfs – all the computer hardware that provided a central control point for ALL CIA assets and information?

    As ‘Q’ has stated previously – We have it all!

    You the reader could have it all too, if you choose to learn about ‘Q’ and silent but deadly war against the Globalist/Deep State.

    • Pascal says:

      Because what Q posts takes time to decipher, I don’t have the time to read its outlet sites that even you rarely link to. I don’t know about the rest here, but I’m content on hearing the summary from you.

      So thank you.

      • Nemesis says:

        ‘Q’ first appeared on 4Chan in October 2017, immediately after Trump’s reference to the ‘coming storm’, and started posting ‘breadcrumbs’ of info for those who chose to gather them up into a ‘loaf ‘ of intelligence info.

        4Chan came under heavy cyber attack some weeks after and ‘Q’ was moved to 8Chan which was a more secure site, that is up until early August of this year, when 8Chan also came under heavy cyber attack and the owner of the site became accused by the Deep State of certain improprieties that was sorted out during a Congressional Hearing in early September of this year, when the owner of 8Chan gave his version of events that totally contradicted, and with hard evidence, the accusations from the Deep State.

        ‘Q’ has been ‘off the air’ ever since, but is expected to return sometime during this month of October, a month that has been likened previously by ‘Q’ to Red October.

        There are thousands of posts from ‘Q’ and not all of them are easily decipherable, so I also visit SerialBrain2 on Youtube for the latest ‘intelligence’ – all ‘decoded messages’ are backed up by reference to past ‘Q’ posts – future proves past.

        And thank you Pascal, for your loyalty and friendship.