None are perfect,not one

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7 Responses to None are perfect,not one

  1. Pascal says:

    Beginning at hear Chomsky lay out the supporting factors for Darin and myself to claim it is accurate to label all major media (those with large capitalization and a sponsor base to support it) as Corporate Media.

    If the media are institutions of private power we can be quite sure that they’re going to have a particular take on things.

    They’re going to give a picture of the world which by and large reflects the interests of their owners and their advertisers and other centers of power in society. That means that the attitudes and interests and points of view of the general public are going to be marginalized. [emphasis added]

    And I think the answer to that is not regulation, it is democratization.

    Absorb Chomsky’s last sentence. That democratization is left up to us dear fellow writers and readers. It is why Corp Media and pols have upped their efforts to de-platform as many of us who are close to effectively displaying the truth they hide and exposing the lies they promulgate.

    The marginalization factor was what I noticed first. That was why I used to call corporate media “Soviet-Style Media” (SSM) all through the Obama era. But since Trump came on the scene, the men behind the curtain became ever more shrill, and so now we have a clearer picture as to what is the nature of those who are running things. We have names, and they are all corporate big wigs. Multi-billionaires.

    • Darin says:

      I am no fan of Chomsky, but even a blind hog finds a few acorns. The leftist media( like you say, damn near all of it) harps on about the “dangers of corporate media” even as their paychecks land in the bank from organizations that are exactly that-multinational corporations.

      • Pascal says:

        The Left is all about projection at this point. They feel they must charge all patriots with their own crimes just so when they’re finally found out they can say that “the crimes are old news” and “everybody does it.”

        We are so in need of a cathartic to rid ourselves of these diseased souls it’s no wonder — as BPS observes in this video — that in times of stress people tend to become more tribal rather than less. And also that there is more certainty a civil war is imminent and prayers for divine intervention are increasing.

    • Nemesis says:

      I see where Rupert Murdoch has made his empire as such that his two son’s will forever be multi-billionaires, no matter how screwed up their control over some of the media may become.

      Nothing like ensuring the enduring legacy of megalomania.

      Playing politics with media influence came easy to Rupert who learned it off his father, Keith, a noted journalist and major player during the First World War in attempting to undermine, through media influence, the commanding general of the First Australian Corp, General John Monash, and simply because he was a Jew.

      I have no time for the Murdochs

      • Pascal says:

        it’s more than merely Murdoch-Fox-WSJ. There was Carlos Slim who bought the NYSlimes many years ago. There was Bill Gates who bought his way into NBC (GE) with MSNBC. There is Amazon’s Bezos who owns the WaPo. There is Zuch who owns FB. There Is AOL-Time warner’s Ted Turner also long ago even before Carlos Slim.

        And don’t forget that owning a news outlet provides access to insider info for stock evaluation/insurance, the use of which for which us plebs would go to prison but they and congress critters can use without care. Ask Martha Stewart.

        It’s endless Neme. Laws for us but not for them. Calling them shameless doesn’t even begin to get at the core of them to expose their rot.

        • Nemesis says:

          Indeed Pascal – just six corporations control nearly 90% of the world’s media.

          Goes to show just how compromized those we elect to office have made themselves.

          Here’s an interesting statistic from Andrew Bolts blog – its not recent, but recent enough to still be reliable. You could look it up if you wish as what I present here is from memory – although there is nothing wrong with my memory so far. LOL!

          In Australia, 69% of the print and electronic media is under leftist control, but it is viewed and read by only 39% of the population, while 61% of the population view or read the other 31% of non-leftist influenced media

  2. Nemesis says:

    Jordan Peterson is a man for his time, just as Trump is a President for his time. Not one of us is a perfect specimen of a human being, and apart from He who walked this Earth nearly 2100 years ago, there has never been any human who has not had his/her faults.

    It is our foibles, our doubts, the mistakes that we make through life and that we are meant to learn from, and our individuality that truly make us what we are, and there is no political or ideological system that can ever be devised that will ever enslave all of us.