Two Proud Boys Sentenced to Four Years in Prison Each for Fighting Back Against Antifa

I’ve pointed it out from the start of Anti-Fa activity. The Dem politicians in power are using Antifa as the party used the KKK one hundred years ago — to suppress all opposition to Dem policies and power.

While the thugs now wear black masks instead of white hoods, those who control the rule of law still selectively punishes anyone who fights back.

But that is too complex to say. Here it is in a shorthand that ought to short-circuit the self-serving virtue signalling of all libs who the Left yet control.


If someone can find a way to deliver this shorthand in rhyme, that would be perfect.

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  1. Pascal says:

    This assessment of Antifa may be the one of the reasons that black voters are supporting President Trump in numbers not seen for a Republican in living memory.

    The violent behavior by thugs disguising their identity, and the hands off approach of Democratic city and state governments (eh, Gov Andrew Cuomo?) contributes to making it very difficult for Democrats to separate their support of Antifa from their former support of the Klan. There are surely quite a few old sufferers of Jim Crow who taught their children and grand-children what to look for.

    By their deeds yee shall know them is the line from a hymn or two, and Black congregations engage in such choruses to this day.

  2. Darin says:

    Patriot Nurse has a few words on the next phase of violence by the dead cult-

    I also think we are in danger of an engineered “terrorist” attack courtesy of the treasonous deep staters. Once things get too hot for them, they will seek to re-direct the public’s attention.

    • Pascal says:

      Thanks for that Darin. She’s right there with us recognizing the terror threat arm of the establishment. She even uses the death cult meme in parallel to us.

    • paul scott says:

      Dear I say it Darren, the evidence is overwhelming of a previous engineered false flag terrorist attack. Best place to start 1. > freefall demolition and 2. military-grade nano thermalite explosive.

  3. rick says:

    The error which the proud boys made was fighting up close within the virulent environment perpetuated by commie cops, prosecutors, and judges. I suggest to bring it but no closer than 100-200 yards.

  4. Nemesis says:

    Many may not realize, but Antifa is the resurrected Antifaschistishe Aktion (AA) movement from 1932 Germany. That movement was in direct response to the rise of the National Socialist movement, hence the anti fascist theme. Both the Antifa and AA flags are virtually identical – if one cares to note – which goes to show how communism will never be able to re-invent itself and has just about had its day.