Open House 11/1/19

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31 Responses to Open House 11/1/19

  1. Darin says:

    Well that’s one idiot down-

    In summary, nobody likes Beto, he pulled in an impressive 0% support and his uber rich wife (who I am betting knows full well how much of an idiot he is) most likely is smart enough not to piss anymore of her money away running that cuck.

  2. What derangement drives libertarians that attack Trump supporters?

  3. mawm says: RWC Champions

    • Darin says:


      • mawm says:

        You really should follow some international news. The South African team, the Springboks, won the Rugby Union World Cup in Japan. This is big news outside the US especially amongst the top tier nations; South Africa, New Zealand, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France, Australia, and even others like Canada, Argentina, Pacific Island Nations, Italy, Georgia, Russia, etc. Japan did amazingly well and got into the quarter-finals where they were beaten by South Africa. The US team didn’t get out of the pool play and into the play-offs.

        • Darin says:

          I do read international news, I just don’t follow sports, to me it’s like watching paint dry is all.

  4. Darin says:

    Movie event of the year!

    “I don’t want to give away all the jokes and plot points, but this is a movie that effectively mocks gun control, hippies, hyper-sensitivity, the absurdity of pacifism, woke-hipster-posers, drum circles, and complaints about cultural appropriation.”

  5. Nemesis says:

    For those of you who wish to find out what ‘Q’ is all about, and ‘Q’ was taken down 92 days ago on 8Chan by the Deep State, here is a link to the reappearance of ‘Q’ via Stroppy Me website.

    • Darin says:

      Video unavailable

    • Pascal says:

      Neme. You know what to look for. See if you can locate the same video on bitchute.

    • Nemesis says:

      Hmmm. Correct go to link, still able to watch it, at least on my site. Let’s try some others; SpaceShot76 with pretty much the same info.

      Or, DustinNemos with a little more detailed info

      We need to remember that these are just confirmations of ‘Q’ being back in the saddle and not actual ‘Q’ drops which should begin from now – however – you will learn what ‘Q’ is all about if you watch either or both of those videos.

      Too, here is a link to StevePieczenik and his summation on Pelosi’s problems which will see off the Democrats.

      Dr Pieczenik was/is CIA

      • Nemesis says:

        Just checked those links, seems that whatever I am putting up is unavailable to this site – targeted?

        Look up the names as printed which should get you onto those sites.

      • Pascal says:

        Is this the first one Neme?

        • Nemesis says:

          Yes Pascal, SpaceShot76 – a most reliable site.

        • Nemesis says:


          That link should go to DustinNemos

          edit by Pascal: I think this is it.

          [Not much new yet here. We already knew about Durham being appointed long ago. -Pas]

          • Nemesis says:

            Same problem?

          • Nemesis says:

            Yeah, that is old news, but the operation that is ‘Q’ as in military intelligence, is there for anyone to make their own judgement on.

            We, that is everyone of us who know that there is something terribly wrong about how this world works, but have not been able to put a finger on it, now have a front seat to the destruction of humanity’s enemy, the Deep State/Globalist cabal, and that could not have come about without the operation that is ‘Q’ and the Great Awakening.

  6. Grog says:

    chuckling, watch the video in the link.

    Bloody Epic.

  7. Darin says:

    Feel good story of the day-

    I’m sure PMSNBC and CNN will be running this story any minute now :roll:

  8. Nemesis says:

    For those of you who wish to know what ‘Q’ and ‘Q+’ are up to regarding the sham that is Trump’s impeachment, go to SerialBrain2 latest video on Youtube if the below link does not work. It’s long at 45 minutes but well worth the info given.