Let’s hope this becomes a trend

Fmr. Vice President Biden denied Communion at campaign stop-


“Sadly, this past Sunday, I had to refuse holy Communion to former Vice President Joe Biden,” Fr. Robert Morey wrote in a statement responding to queries from the Florence Morning News. “Holy Communion signifies we are one with God, each other and the church. Our actions should reflect that. Any public figure who advocates for abortion places himself or herself outside of church teaching.”

God Bless Pastor Morey, standing firm and doing what is right is a rare occurrence in this age, let’s hope it becomes a trend. Our politicians and celebrities need to understand that the Christian Church is not their personal door mat. It is also well past time our clergy  remember Who it is they really answer to.

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8 Responses to Let’s hope this becomes a trend

  1. Nemesis says:

    It takes a person of courage, conviction and high principle to do what that priest did. And a BIG well done to him, and what a pity we are not hearing more from people like him.

    And in stark contrast to that act of priestly admonishment, is the person such as Biden, and there are many of them, who lie, cheat, deceive, steal and disregard their oath of office for their own personal, and, or for others gain, who have no shame, no sense of humility in what they do, no fear in being caught out for what they truly represent as they go about breaching the law of the land and undermining their fellow countrymen.

    • powderburns says:

      That was awesome. If only all the fathers rose together up and condemned all the sins that cry to heaven for vengeance. That would be a thing to behold. I’ve been sneaking to latin mass as a non-catholic. This adds value to the end wafer bit.

      • Nemesis says:

        I’m sure there are many who preach within all kinds of Churches,Temples and Mosques, who feel compelled to stand up for why they chose to become a Priest, Rabbi or Iman whenever they become confronted by those who do not share their principles, teachings and simple humanity.

        It is the courage they lack to uphold their beliefs that sets them apart from the Priest that took Biden to task.

        The fish always rots from the head down. And so it has been with the Churches, the Temples and the Mosques, that were deliberately targeted and did not escape the long march through the institutions.

        But, if you truly seek God, then you don’t have to look any further than inside yourself, for God dwells within all of us.

  2. Pascal says:

    Another trend that is needed!

    C’mon [Dem], debate me, you loser.

    • Darin says:

      He won’t, Beto has the IQ of a Fruit Fly (my apologies to Fruit Flys)

      A deceptively simple question to ask them is-“Why is every democrat platform policy about taking something away from people?”

      • Pascal says:

        Well, not entirely correct Darin.

        Every Dem most commonly is offering to rob Peter so as to pay Paul. Paul is usually too stupid to see that whatever he is promised is either temporary, illusory, or actually negative (like the $2500 promised to families under Obamacare) and makes him subject to be put down more easily when his existence is no longer useful. Especially easy when disarmed.

      • Nemesis says:

        I question the need for ‘political parties’ at all. Why, if every elected official is sworn to uphold the law of the land is there a need for that elected official to be also part of a political party that has its own constitution and rules, that are quite apart from what the elected representatives are sworn to uphold?

        We need to break the deliberate adversarial and psychological aspect of the two party system, which has never been about upholding the law of the land, but in obtaining ‘votes’ which is put to use in subjugating the voter into team players more concerned with their own personal take away from such a flawed system.

        • Brown says:

          I think you raise an excellent point as to the need for political parties. I tend to a dislike of politicians generally – not necessarily along party lines although the left annoys me as a block because, in my view, it links itself to every disfunction as a matter of routine. As in most organisations there will be individuals muzzled by the machine and I think I’d like to vote for an individual on a national basis, not a party with an individual I cannot vote for because they are not in my electorate. Matt King in NZ comes to mind as an example. If he means what he says he’s worth a look. I wish I could name another within a mainstream party.