We always knew where this was headed

UK: National health to deny treatment for “Racist or sexist language, gestures behavior”


“The North Bristol NHS Trust announced that patients will be subject a “sports-style disciplinary yellow card and then final red card in which treatment would be withdrawn as soon as is safe” on its official website.

The policy would cover not just “Threatening and offensive language” but also “Racist or sexist language, gestures or behaviour” more generally, as well as “malicious allegations” — a rather troubling caveat, given the NHS has in the past been entangled in large-scale malpractice scandals which hospitals and staff have initially denied.”

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5 Responses to We always knew where this was headed

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    ‘Free’ healthcare for all.

    • Pascal says:

      Given this headline: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-11-05/scientists-call-for-population-control-in-mass-climate-alarm
      I’d be very skeptical of any healthcare that was called “free.” It comes to mind how Hansel and Gretel learned the hard way, but our generation doesn’t need to heed such lessons.

      Those who’ve followed most that I’ve written on the Death cult have no need for Bloomberg to inform them at this late date about the misanthropic beliefs of our elites and the direction their Sustainability religion has been headed.

      • Nemesis says:

        You may wish to visit youtube; The SGT Report, titled, California Fires – Behind the Smoke – The Death Agenda. Narrated by Deborah Tavares who has also been very active in her campaign against the installation of the 5G Network.

        It’s eye opening for those who care to listen.

        • Darin says:

          Before this, the plan always was to ration care away from those not paying taxes. Be they old, poor, or chronically ill. The plan was to hide this feature of socialist medicine, until enough rubes voted it in, the rationing was back loaded.
          Now that the system hasn’t been adopted, or adopted fully enough, they can launch this atrocity to get rid of those who might object to the full implementation.

          • Nemesis says:

            There can be no doubt about the United Nations (Globalist HQ) Agenda 2020 and 2030, now in play with what is occurring in California for anyone who has taken the time to look over such destructive to human kind policies.

            My own observations have me aware that those who believe they hold the future and currently still have the power to implement their ideological clap trap, began ramping up their actions back in the early 2000’s well before Trump announced his running for POTUS, but soon after that arch Globalist, Zbigniew Brezenski (spelling is incorrect, but I reckon close) sounded the alarm to the Globalists that “They are waking up!”

            His warning of course, was that we the sheeple, were slowly cottoning onto their agenda.

            They now realize that they are on the losing side of history because of Trump, but like all fanatical Fascists/Nazis/Communists, that knowledge only spurs them on to even more destructive actions against us, their perceived enemy, even though by doing so, their agenda is now being fully exposed as to its ultimate goals.

            They who have controlled this world for so long will not survive what is coming at them, and there will be no mercy shown toward them.