This Has To Stop

The Situation in Mexico has been out of control for decades, and it’s only getting worse-

9 Family members killed in Cartel attack-

I see four options-

1-   Spend the next 6-9 months covertly running intense surveillance, determining who the key players in the Cartel and their government counterparts are. Their locations, safe houses, operational centers everything. Then one day of coordinated attacks via drones and Spec Ops forces to kill as many as possible in one go. Take the Cartel leaders prisoner and “extract information” (torture and I’m not talking water boarding) so as to round up as many stragglers as possible. The key here is don’t say a peep to the Cartel owned government.

2- Send in 120,000 US combat troops with search and destroy orders. Cartel members and accomplices to be shot on sight.

3- Finish the Wall, seal the border, establish a 25 mile free fire buffer south of the border wall.

4- Do nothing, watch Mexico continue to degrade into lawlessness, allow the same sort of thing to become common here.

Is there a 5th option I’m not seeing?

There are many fine people, good people, south of our Border that do not deserve to be under the thumb of the murdering savages that are destroying an entire country and it’s people.

What can we do north of the border? We could wage a real war on drugs, like Singapore has, start killing drug dealers and stop playing footsie with addicts and things might change. Either that or legalize drugs, all drugs and begin giving them away in mass. Blow the bottom out of the market to the point the gas money to drive north is more than the drugs are worth.

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6 Responses to This Has To Stop

  1. Nemesis says:

    Fred on Everything, has a website he operates out of Mexico – his nose is pretty close to the many problems facing Mexico. I haven’t visited his site for some time, but I do remember that Mexico, like most third world countries, is not home to what us Westerners would refer to as, Nationalists and Patriots. Mexico is basically a step above that of tribalism, but close affiliations of groups are kept within the family – which seems to be just about as big a problem as tribalism can get – when complete loyalties are to families rather than a ‘nation’, countries will tend to be lawless, no matter how hard a ‘nationalist’ government cracks down on the criminal.

    In general terms, one should remember that the fish will always rot from the head down. And so it is with corrupt governments, the corruption will always filter down and permeate though into the institutions and general population if not checked and corrected. Mexico also has another problem – it is largely a Catholic country where ‘sins’, and in Mexico’s case, criminality, can be forgiven at the local Church, which then tends to alleviate the guilt of the criminal, and that alleviation of sin in many instances, can then be exploited by the criminal mind and spurred onto even greater acts of criminality.

    I find that Islam and Catholicism are almost identical in the alleviation of the criminal mind in acts against those considered to be the infidel or, as it is the case in Mexico, targets of the cartels – it pretty much demonstrates the kind of thinking that Globalists encourage for their own benefit and agenda, and that is just another example of why there are so many dysfunctional countries on this planet.

    I’d be all for a complete overhaul of Mexico, and via violent but lawful means if necessary, from the top down, but how could that be achieved unless Catholicism and strong family loyalties can be discredited?

  2. powderburns says:

    #3. Finish the wall. Man it. Zero immigration for twenty years.

    Up spake brave Horatius,
    the captain of the gate,
    to every man upon this earth,
    death comes soon or late.

    Once the Cartels start running out of drug money, then the opportunity to help might arise.

  3. Victor says:

    The Nationalists in Mexico elected a Nationalist President… and those tribal families are Mexico’s conservative nationalists… and those conservative nationalist Catholic tribes are what is holding what is left of the church and their country together… just like the people in every Western country that has fallen apart over the last 30 years thanks to the communists…

    My friends – tribal families that hold true to their Christian base will save your countries – and the bigger the better… that’s Hard Right brother.

    Now about this latest thing – in Mexico we are still putting the pieces together – so I am sure that outside of Mexico you don’t have the full story – but this I can tell you –
    Cartels don’t go after civilians, in this thing, they were tracking male members of a rival cartel, but the men were not there – where were the men? yeah, the Mexicans are calling it – those Mormons were cartel… what happened was sad, it was terrible (oh and these were big tribal Christian families – unfortunately it seems they were lead by men involved in the drug trade).

    So you want to help Mexico clean up it’s drug wars – which are wars to control the trade routes into the United States, here’s what you do…

    1) Round up all the user’s of these illegal narcotics in the United States – and hold public executions.

    2) Find all the public servants and politicians that are enabling the drugs to enter the United States and hold public executions.

    3) You really want to get that wall built? Tell the socialist it is to keep Americans from leaving – that shit will go up in a week.

    Good luck every one.

    • Darin says:

      The Narco’s are terrorists and we should start treating them as such.

      • Nemesis says:

        Agreed! It will become obvious to those who choose to see past what the media lies tell them, that the cartels are no different to the forces that still have some control – although that is now being taken from them – over this world.

        We will all come to know a much better world given our reset.

    • Nemesis says:

      Update, according to Breitbart News – The FBI has now been deployed in Mexico to investigate the deaths of all those Mormon, men, women and children.