Rope,Tree,Politicians-Some Assembly Required

A Michigan Man Underpaid His Property Taxes By $8.41. The County Seized His Property, Sold It—and Kept the Profits.

Property Tax isn’t a tax, it’s rent paid to the government, because you don’t really own anything. Property taxes should be abolished and replaced with sales taxes only.

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9 Responses to Rope,Tree,Politicians-Some Assembly Required

  1. Nemesis says:

    I agree that local government needs to go – it’s an unwarranted imposition and curse on a free people, and just another government bureaucracy that we could all do without.

    As for that elderly home owner – was there no one wiling to assist him in a fight against an out of control county council?

    • Darin says:

      He probably had the $8 and change, he just didn’t know he owed it. See they are careful to put that “plus penalties and interest” in the fine print nobody reads.

      A lot of these corrupt vermin rule through intimidation, they wield the power of the city/state and know they can literally get away with making someone’s life miserable if that person steps out of line.

  2. Dan says:

    There are NO consequences for criminality by bureaucrats thus no reason for them to restrain themselves. That means they must be restrained and punished by their victims. By any means necessary. Paging Mr. Paul Kersey…..your services are needed.

  3. powderburns says:

    We are ruled by an army of civil servants. No longer civil. No longer servants.

    Apologies to [Churchill, 1945 speech]

    Keep reducing the government by 10% a year, till they are 10% of the size they are now.

  4. Warren Tooley says:

    Unfortunately this is how the very rich like Rockefeller get richer. On an infomercial, they explained that when people can’t pay their property tax, it turns into a tax certificate. Someone will pay what is owed, and then you the person who is having difficulty paying needs to pay that plus at least 25% interest. If not the person who lent the money gets your house. On the infomercial they were saying we can make you very rich.

    Its called a ‘tax certificate lien’

    So they are taking from the poor and giving it to the rich, everything that the Democrats say they are against. I think I’ll keep my money in gold and silver Mr. real estate agent.

  5. paul scott says:

    Christchurch City Council penalises as follows in rates arrears.
    10% immediately on default
    and a further 10% compounding twice a year thereafter.
    That’s just over 30% first year and 20% compounding onward,
    After about three years you are in a very bad position as this fellow is,
    I tried to get the taxpayers Union interested but they let it slide.

    On other matters, if you have dispute with say Spark over their penalty fees,
    they send you to a collector. They have an automated bot, You can not ring or have letters replied to properly, you can not have anything reviewed. The Collector Dun and Bradfield or someone is Australian and usury as the Christchurch City Council is.

    • Darin says:

      For property tax where I live, it’s paid annually, if it’s not paid three years in a row, then it can be sold at public auction. The “owner” sill has 90 days to redeem it by paying the tax and of course pile of penalties. But the point here is that we are in reality merely paying rent and don’t really “own” anything.Why did we break away from the crown again???

      Then we have “public utilities”Lights, sewer, water. All are government sanctioned monopolies. One persistent problem is with MMSF minimum monthly service fees for water,sewer and garbage. Those are applied to everyone in a given postal code…..whether or not they even use those services.

      • Warren Tooley says:

        Yup Darin, exactly right. You either 100% own free and clear or you don’t 100% own free and clear. If you don’t own it 100%, then you have a stakeholder who wants something from you. If you don’t pay they will take your assets and sell it.