Open House 11/9/19

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22 Responses to Open House 11/9/19

    • Nemesis says:

      Pascal, I believe you are giving far too much credit to poor little Greta’s influence on the ‘thinkers’ of this world.

      But that portrait is something else isn’t! I can see the George Orwell influence.

      And, poor San Francisco, not quite the same town now that I visited on a stop over from Canada in 1974. A pretty clean and vibrant city in those days.

      Now, that town’s claim to fame is homelessness, human crap in the streets, used syringes everywhere and out of control crime – a much different time to what ‘Dirty Harry’ was trying to warn us all about was coming, all those years ago!

      I see in the Daily Mail – a publication that I often refer to as the Daily Rag – little Greta has become ‘immortalized’ according to the purveyors of bullshit from that media outlet, and for her unmitigated ‘warnings’ – that some of us would take them as threats – that human kind is responsible for all the ills of this world, while quietly ignoring, that human kind has only been here for some thousands of years (I have never met, or read of anyone, who can be absolutely precise in that determination) while this planet has been functioning, thank you very much, for a far longer time that has seen off many species before we were even thought of.

      Yes, her portrait is ‘immortalized’ but only in the minds of those who cannot think past their own mortality.

      • Pascal says:

        Quite the contrary Nemesis. I give useful idiots credit for being tools of the sophistic, nothing more.

        You got my point of posting these two side by side. Big Brother’s omnipresent image is Orwellian and so is hers being trial ballooned.

        BB served as a standby for every dictator and megalomaniac from Lenin to Saddam to Hitler. And now we’ve got this stupid brainwashed child who only has prominence because CORPORATE MEDIA wants to use her for its own evil ends. Autocrats want power and know how to get it all while hoping their efforts are successful at keeping the worms from turning on them.

  1. Heltau says:

    Rope, Tree, Politicians-Some Assembly Required, plus an added dash of FIRE.

  2. Darin says:

    Alabama student on live MSNBC interview-” Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself”

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Anyone know what’s happening with Knuckledraggin? I get a ‘Not Found’ error.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    One outlet of the MSM gave this 30 seconds air time, the rest, nada. It took a local affiliate of CBS to do the hard yards.

    Not for the weak of stomach

    • Darin says:

      Tiller the Killer was one, so was Gosnell and now this guy. So how many abortionists are there and what percentage have been sick, demented freaks? It’s a pretty small population, so I am thinking it has to be 80+% fall into the same category.

  5. Nemesis says:

    Youtube – X22 Report – Indictments Coming, We Are Now Nearing T Minus Zero – Episode 2019b. Also contains first ‘Q’ posts since August with some very important info.


    X22 Report – Trump Puts the (CB) And The World On Notice – Episode 2019a. This episode contains what Trump is actually achieving against the Fed.

    Sorry, but my links don’t work.

    • Nemesis says:

      And for those of you who would wish to know just an inkling of one system that is used to control this world, go to:

      SGT Report; The Next Massive Disclosure Will Shock The World – on Youtube.

      If you have ever wondered why so many of our ‘elite’ come to toe an elitist line as compared to the rest of us, then this episode of SGT will blow your mind, but in the process, such an education should then cause you to connect so many dots as to the BIG Picture that is paramount to those who can jettison their morals and ideals, just to be ‘successful’.

    • Darin says:

      I said awhile back that the dems know just how sick RBG is and they know she will likely be done by Christmas if not sooner. That is really what this entire Impeachment Kabuki theater is all about. The thing they fear the most is Trump getting another SCOTUS pick.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    For those here who haven’t heard yet, Charlie God Damnit died. CGD was like one of the family over at Knuckledraggin.